
oakley update

so, the little pussy has been worrying me about this whole diabetes/kidney issues. I stood on a scale & weighed myself, then I held him while weighing myself. I gained about 7 lbs with him. So, we'll go with the fact that he is about 7 lbs. WHOA! big kitty. Anyway, I measured out water this morning & after he ate some food, he of course didn't get a drink. HE ALWAYS GETS A DRINK!!!! So I waited, finally he drank. He was there for.....ev....er. Then after he was done, I measured it. It was BARELY under the 12 oz line. (which means he didn't drink that much) I put the water back out and he ran to get some more. Then I measured.....With the total of those 2 drinks I think he might have drank an oz. My measuring cup only goes from 4-8-12-16 so it's below the 12 now, but above the halfway line btwn the 8 & 12.

ugh! so maybe 2 trips for him = 1 oz. That would be ok, if he is in fact 7 lbs. So, moral of the story.....he's good. I don't need to worry. :)

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