
The first snow...

Friday night, was our first snow of the year. Too bad it was during a football game. Kinda hard to run plays where you throw the ball during snow. It was really pretty to look at though.

I love the snow. So does Daisy, but what she doesn't like is wearing her "jacket". She acts like she can't move in it. I've seen her run in it, clearly she can move in it. The only reason why I put it on her is in the rain or snow. She has a certain coat that if she gets wet, she frickin' REEKS! And she hates getting a bath, so I don't want to give her those too often. But she is so darn cute!

Oakley keeps screaming to go outside. I can't let him, we live on a main road. But when the snow gets really high, I'll throw him in it for photo-ops. This will be his first winter. He is only 5 months old. He has been pretty bad lately, guess I'm going to have to bust out the squirt bottle and teach him a few lessons. He just keeps getting into & ON to things that he shouldn't. Gotta stop that now, so he is good like Cooper was.

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