
Still diggin'

I still haven't had time to take any pictures. I am going to Mikey's basketball game tomo night, so I will take some pix then & post 'em! Here is one of Jimmy & I from a wedding. I have to workout hard this year, to look like that again!

We had dinner at Nicole & Jeremy's Saturday night. MMM!!!! So delicious! Then after we played Cribbage & Yatzee. They were all baffled that I've never played Yatzee before. haha. And last night we had dinner with Chris & Kristy. This Friday, we are going over to Robbie & Sarah's. You'd think I'd bring my camera to any of these. I'm just too lazy.

I can't believe that January is almost over already. Time is sure flying by these days & I know it's just going to go by even quicker. I'll try to take some pictures to help time stand still for a moment.

1 comment:

Jimmy 5 said...

ah... the skinnier days! Hopefully I'll get back to that by this summer!


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