
Christmas Photo Shoot

Every year, Jimmy & I come up with some super hilarious photo for our Christmas card.  This year, I couldn't decide if I wanted to do something funny or nice, because we have an adorable addition to our family.  Caden ups the good looking value of the family, so I figured it might be nice to start doing a cute card.  But the people have spoken- they want funny.

But what can we do that is funny with a cute baby?  Everything he does looks adorable & endearing. Not hilarious, "Those Leffler's are at it again!"  I had 2 ideas & we did the photo shoot for one.  It didn't work out as I had planned, so maybe that is a sign to just go with adorable.

I guess we should start doing a Christmas card AND a Happy New Year card!  The New Year can be the funny one, start your year off with a laugh.....

eh, no that's too much work.

So, I don't know how long the "funny" will last.  Especially since I'm running out of ideas.   And I just want to send cute pictures of my cute kid.  hehe

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