
Maybe it's just around the corner...

It sounds like Spring outside. It's also 50º, so maybe it is just around the corner. That would be nice, bc I would like to go for walks into town! It's supposed to snow next week though. :( BOO!!!

On another note, what is with people's driving lately? I've had 3 people swerve into my lane in one week! And I mean SWERVE! It's kinda scary. One guy was turning left thru an intersection. I was in the left lane of road he was turning onto. He was looking down at his phone while turning & almost hit us. WTF!?!?! Now I'm not a goody-goody, but I feel that using your cell phone like that while driving should be a primary offense. I'm surprised that more people haven't died from texting while driving. It's friggin' bullshit. I will admit that I look at my phone if there is a message, but that is only when I'm stopped at a light. I don't do it WHILE I'm driving.

I remember when I left the house without a cell phone. Can we go back to those days?

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