

I look pretty tough as a one-ish yr old riding my older cousin's tricycle in all pink & my awesome blue shoes.

Why have my cheeks not thinned out since then?

And can I honestly reach the pedals?


Another Oldie

Ha! Ok, so when I was in high school, I had a crush on this one fireman, Chad. It was sort of a joke. We all had a crush on at least one of the firemen. During our homecoming bonfire (junior year-i think), they were there to keep everything in line. And Chad was there. Now if I was anyone else, I would stand off to the side & just tell my friends how cute he was. But, no. I'm me, so I went over to him & flirted with him instead. I even got my stupid boyfriend to take a picture of us together! What an idiot!


aurora farms


I can't believe these ducks didn't fly south! and why are they sitting on ice? what is WRONG with them?

Some Winter Shots

It's been frickin cold. Shocker. Well the sun was out the other day, so I decided to take some pictures. You won't catch me out there today though. No reason to be out & it hasn't stopped snowing. I don't know what to do about our driveway. It's buried in 4 feet of snow. Wish I could just call a plow guy.


my parent's street.




Then after taking some pictures, Daisy & I went inside. I hung out with my Grandma & Daisy played with Gidget.


She's been acting weird about getting her picture taken lately. Which is VERY strange bc I've stuck a camera in her face since she was 6 weeks old!




Back to our house.

Here is our tree out front:


looks cold, huh?

CFFD Winter Dinner


Pix from the Winter Dinner. Yes that was on Feb 13th. I'm a little behind.

Top is everyone with their dates. We pretended that Jeremy was there all night. {he had to work} And yes we talked to him. haha. The sky was really pretty


Gidget's Trip Over

I decided that Daisy needed to play with Gidget a little. They did. Then Oakley wanted a turn. That was more entertaining, bc he doesn't see Gidget as much as Daisy.




He is hugging her head and using it as a chew toy.


Hmm...where is that rascally cat?


I'm pretty sure he is about to bitch slap her here.


And here he is squeezing her cheeks, "you're soooo cute..."


Whew. Rest time. I look over & see the two of them in the same bed. So cute.

Mr. Oakley Tank






He is so cute.

It's 60º! Let's go for a Walk!


I woke up to see this in the kitchen. It's a good thing he put it up, bc I was on my way to make some cereal. He made french toast & ham. It was delish!


It looked warm out, so we walked into town for the first time this year. OH.....DEAR....GOD! The wind was UNBEARABLE! My ears were burning!!! The weather was so deceiving! So we stopped into the library to drop off a DVD & warm up a little. Oops. The DVD was not in the case. So I had to return it the next day.

I was sitting looking at some magazines, and I noticed a rather cute guy walking into the library. I caught myself staring at him from the parking lot all the way to the building. He caught me, too. CRAP! What a tool! Then a few minutes later I felt someone coming up behind me. It was HIM! For sure you know he only went over to magazines to see if I would look at him some more. Which I did, so he wins. Damn. I'm off my game!

Then I heard a whispering "BOO!" It was Molly!!!! She and Riley were there with Carey & they came over to say hi!


She had pretty barrettes in her hair.




She did a little jig for me in her princess dress. She cracks me up! Wears those dresses everywhere!


They had little princess phones & were pretending to talk on them. So cute.

Jimmy & I were planning on going to Aurora Farms, & Carey wanted to go too. So we all hiked it to AF. The girls wanted to go on the quarter rides there. Carey put Riley in one & when it turned on it freaked her out bc it was so loud. So I jumped on {no sense in wasting money} but really i did it so she would see it wasn't scary. Then she came on with me & I slithered off so she could ride by herself. The ride turned off 2 seconds later.

Valentine's Day


Woo Hoo! Preggo or not, I'm wearing my red 4" heels!!!


My awesome shirt details.

I was very excited that I got to wear both. Jimmy & I went out to dinner to Paladar {my fav restaurant} with Jeremy & Nicole. We had a blast. Then that night I had the worst heartburn. oh well. It's over, said & done with.

basketity ball


Is he smiling at me? :)

I like the one on the right, bc it looks like he is keeping a close eye on the midge.


still dominating...



another great game!!!


Jimmy took the pic on the left {props!}

I think that cute girl on the right is taking a picture of Mikey's butt.


With a hurt back & a cold. He sure does play hard! I'm so proud to be his sister!!! I wish I could say that I taught him everything he knows about basketball, but that is NOT my sport.


We can say that I did teach him how to be cool.



I just saw this story on the Yahoo! opening page and I totally believe it!!!!

When I was little we were at our Lake House on Lake Texoma. The boat ran out of gas or something, and we all had to get out and go to shore. My dad & I were next to each other and we saw something slithering around in the water. It was snake-like from what I can remember. Picture a snake's body moving up & down, in & out of water. Now picture that snake with about a 24inch circumference!!! It was HUGE! We both freaked out and moved a lot quicker!!!

I think I also got heatstroke that day, too. hahaha



After Mikey's game, I plan on posting some pix. So let's hope that pans out. As for now, I'm going to brave the chilly air (with wetish hair) & go run some errands.

I hope I don't get sick.



Maybe it's just around the corner...

It sounds like Spring outside. It's also 50º, so maybe it is just around the corner. That would be nice, bc I would like to go for walks into town! It's supposed to snow next week though. :( BOO!!!

On another note, what is with people's driving lately? I've had 3 people swerve into my lane in one week! And I mean SWERVE! It's kinda scary. One guy was turning left thru an intersection. I was in the left lane of road he was turning onto. He was looking down at his phone while turning & almost hit us. WTF!?!?! Now I'm not a goody-goody, but I feel that using your cell phone like that while driving should be a primary offense. I'm surprised that more people haven't died from texting while driving. It's friggin' bullshit. I will admit that I look at my phone if there is a message, but that is only when I'm stopped at a light. I don't do it WHILE I'm driving.

I remember when I left the house without a cell phone. Can we go back to those days?


What the...?

What the HELL is wrong with us?

So after we got home from an awesome dinner @ Paladar with Jeremy & Nicole, Jimmy & I came home & tried to watch a Modern Family that we missed. Of course, we can't watch it online either.

He was going to give me a back massage while we watched it. Since, we couldn't he decided to watch some You Tube videos while I got my massage (which was an awesome massage BTW).

It first started with a Beatles music video.

Then from there it got really f*@ked up....

misheard lyrics from some songs, movies that have the "Road to Nowhere" song in them, leg amputations, stretch mark removal surgery, labor, dog labor (um-that dog just got right up and acted like nothing happened after she gave birth to a puppy. WTF?), St. Valentine's Day Massacre, Bonnie & Clyde death photos....I was passing out by now. But Jimmy kept searching. I did mention to look up Jayne Mansfield death photos, then I fell asleep. He preceded to look at mob death photos, decapitation guillotine photos, murder photos (OMG I'm actually laughing at this), then the 2011 Grammy winners. It ended with Neil Young's Angry World video. WTF!?!?! SICK & TWISTED then gay?

Seriously, what is wrong with us?

I also woke up at almost 5 in the morning with excruciating heartburn. It still hasn't gone away & I haven't gotten any sleep. I feel like crap today. So we are headed off to the gym. Maybe that will make me feel better.

Tomo, thu, & fri are supposed to be in the 50's!!!! WOO HOO!


cavs game

Jimmy & I went to the Cavs game the other night. It was fun people watching!



Notice in those last 4 pictures how the 2 Cavs players are just standing there? HAHAHA


Oh here we go! There was a point in the game when they were only down by 3. 69-66. I thought they might have a chance.


uGh! Price grosses me out sooooooooo much!


Oh man, they had this little "skit" playing during a timeout. And the players were all watching it instead of listening to their coaches. It was the LAMEST thing I have EVER seen. Apparently, that guy from the Pistons thought the same thing. I love his facial expressions. Like, "Did you just see that?"

Here we go! The People Watching:


I forgot, I wanted to draw eyes on the back of that guy's head.

It would be my luck to get stuck next to THAT guy (biggie, top right).

Small hands, smells like cabbage. ew

Yup! Just keep letting those kids eat crappy food and buying them expensive toys so they don't go outside to play & run around.

Ok, ok, I know it's freezing right now. I'm trying to prove a point.

Good times. good times.


I promise

I have a bunch of pix to post. I will try to get to them today. I have a lot to do, & it's already 2:30, so I doubt I will. But if not today, HOPEFULLY tomo!


back in the game

I went back to work today. I think it's been a month...but honestly, I've been extremely busy. It was nice to see the students & co-workers though. They all missed me. We caught up on a lot of things. I think the students like me only because I let them get away with more things. Also when I teach them stuff, I do it in a fun way. Okay, Okay....let's just state the obvious here. It's because I'm as immature as they are. It's ok, I'm not afraid to admit it.

A teacher announced her pregnancy today. That brings the tally up to at least 10 now!

Ten ppl I know who are preggs or had a baby within the last 3 months. The new generation of Baby Boomers are upon us. I blame the economy. It costs too much to go out, so what else is there to do?!


Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday Dad!!!!!!!


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