
i'm trying

so the animal hospital called today. cooper's ashes are in. alicia & i went to pick them up. and she was so sweet. she offered to hold "him" the whole way home. hehe. i felt like such a tool going in there, "uh...hi. i'm here to pick up......my cat...well his ashes...."

then i took "him" into my parent's house to show them the tin he came in. and i set him on the hutch next to my phone. later on, as i was walking out the door i said, "oh crap. i almost forgot my cat." haha like he was really there. oh dear god. i'm going crazy.

i went online and i found a website with pet urns. they have so many options; it's insane. i found a cool one

however....there is no way i can pay $180 for a damn urn. it's also too big for what i'm looking for. but it's cool.

wow! i've been working on his book bc i have a deadline: July 3rd! and i have to get up at 7:30 tomo morning & it's midnight. i'm never gonna get up now.

good night

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