
summer mems

I just got home from the gym & I'm sitting here eating lunch and it totally felt like the summer days of when i was a kid.

We'd spend all day outside playing a sport, running through the sprinkler, acting out movie scenes, or just going to the pool. Then we'd come in for lunch and watch a movie or a tv show, while we were soaking wet & really tired. Then it's back outside again! I didn't go to the pool today and it's only like 65ยบ out, so i have no idea why I have that "been in the sun all day running around like when i was a kid" tired/feeling. but i really like it. reminds me of the great old days. to be a kid again would be grand. no worries. no responsibilities. just "have fun!" that was your only job. hehe.

i have so many things to get done and never enough time to do them in. also, the fact that my mind is moving so fast with all of the chaos. it's hard to just sit and chill.

oh, while i was driving home, i noticed that someone had deer in their yard. fake deer. i'm not trying to be a brat, just curious...why do people do that? why do they put fake giant (or little) deer in their yards? just wondering what the thought process behind that is.

p.s. my dog is sooooo frickin' cute. and don't forget: prize to be awarded to who can guess what breeds she is.



i'm trying

so the animal hospital called today. cooper's ashes are in. alicia & i went to pick them up. and she was so sweet. she offered to hold "him" the whole way home. hehe. i felt like such a tool going in there, "uh...hi. i'm here to pick up......my cat...well his ashes...."

then i took "him" into my parent's house to show them the tin he came in. and i set him on the hutch next to my phone. later on, as i was walking out the door i said, "oh crap. i almost forgot my cat." haha like he was really there. oh dear god. i'm going crazy.

i went online and i found a website with pet urns. they have so many options; it's insane. i found a cool one

however....there is no way i can pay $180 for a damn urn. it's also too big for what i'm looking for. but it's cool.

wow! i've been working on his book bc i have a deadline: July 3rd! and i have to get up at 7:30 tomo morning & it's midnight. i'm never gonna get up now.

good night


ok, ya know how most people are afraid of spiders or snakes? well not me....i do, however, freak out when i am near a loose mouse or ants. i frickin' hate ants. anyway! there is a damn mouse in my house! one of our floor cabinets has an opening on the bottom of it so we can reach our water valve. ugh don't ask. well the little fucker is coming up through it. jimmy already put peanut butter on a trap, and he licked it all off without getting caught. then he tried the same thing and again the little furry disease infested shit licked it off without getting caught. jimmy checked the trap, you could barely touch it with a toothpick and it snaps. WTF!?!?!

i need an idea of what to put on that trap so the little rat will snap!

[there are a lot of frickin' rhymes in that post. my bad]

i can't live like this! i'm going out of my frickin' mind!*

i'm leaving for Put-in-Bay this weekend, when i come back that Ratatouille better be gone-o.

*i had a dream last night that my car was stolen. checked out what that means: "you are losing control of your life." uh---duh. didn't we just establish that? here is another definition:To dream that your car has been stolen, indicates that you are being stripped of your identity. This may relate to losing your job, a failed relationship, or some situation which has played a significant role in your identity and who you are as a person.

what...are...you...talking...about? whatevs. have a good weekend



ok so, those of you who know me, i'm really sorry that i can't get out of this funk. it's just been really hard with Cooper's passing. i'm trying to find peace with it. i haven't cried yet today! eyes are little teary but that's it so far. :) our vet tech said that pancreatitis is common in younger cats, so that really could have been all that was wrong. i just wonder how he got it. and it really sucks bc i will never know. i won't ever know if that's really what the cause of death was, and that kills me. carey & my sister kept me out of the house a lot yesterday which helped a little, bc then now all i could think of was how bad i feel for Daisy, bc she & Coop were together when nobody was home. they actually played with each other, too, so i knew they were happy. now i just feel so bad leaving her home alone. :/ i took her to my mom's to play with Gidget. then kim stopped over with Diva & Coco, so the 4 of them had a blasty blast. then Kim & i took ALL 4 dogs to the boylan's to play. and they all had a great time there!

Molly was so cute, she kept wanting to hold Gidget's leash & saying, "Widget is a great puppy." after everyone was playing, all the doggies were thirsty, molly picked up gidget to take her to the water. then she did the same with Coco. cute. too cute.

then we all went to the Life Time pool for some fun. Kim, Joe, Jimmy & I ate some grub then we went home. Jimmy & I took Daisy on a long walk through the SR Field.

and i came up with an idea. (for the record I AM OBVIOUSLY JOKING ABOUT THIS...i really would NEVER want to do this) it's just my way of coping...

...since i will forever miss the cuddling, the greeting, the trying to find him......i changed my mind and want Cooper stuffed (again totally not true). this way i can still cuddle with him, i could hide him and make jimmy go find him, daisy might actually win a fight against him for once, i could put him by the door when i leave, so when i come home he is there, i could even take him with me!!!! haha. (sorry, i'm just trying to make light of things) we're having him cremated & i have to go find a really AMAZING container of some sort to put him in. i like jimmy's idea of going to an antique shop, that way i can find something unique (just like mr. man) and i just so happens know of a great antique shop! his grandma's! Whitney also came up with a great idea: to make a book about him. so that is what i will be working on! then hundreds of years from now, i can read to my kids about the greatest kitty cat that there ever was......

i just realized something. everyone said that Cooper was the devil (but i loved him SOOOOO much anyway), i mean seriously his middle name was Lucifer. when he passed away he was 6 years old, he died in the 6th month of the year, and he was sick for 6 days! oh, shit.


R.I.P. Little Mr. Man

cooper passed away last night.

they found out he was diabetic & think he may have had pancreatitis. he was only 6 years old. he was honestly the coolest cat in the whole world. he played fetch, greeted us at the door EVERYTIME, cuddled, played tag with Daisy, did this "kneading" thing to us when we laid on us, made the funniest noise when we sprinted through the house, bit people, talked to us, the most curious cat, jumped up through tubes, very playful, loved to go outside or sit in the window, growled- especially at mikey, loving, extremely loving to jimmy & I.

i feel like i lost my best friend. it's the weirdest thing. last night when we found out, i was in shock. how could he go from being the awesome playful Cooper that we know to this? it would be different if he was old and we were expecting it. but he wasn't and we weren't. we got to say goodbye, but we were hoping it was just a "see ya in the morning." it's so quiet and lonely here today. he took such good care of himself, someone asked me where i got him groomed. i never did- he did it all. this is so weird.

i think i got an hour of sleep last night. i woke up crying so hard. Mr. Boo wasn't laying there in his bed next to daisy. it's just so hard bc he wasn't just a cat & this was SOOOO unexpected.

who is gonna sit on my books or magazines while i'm trying to read them? or hide in the closets or under the covers? Who is gonna hiss at mike when he comes over? who is gonna keep daisy company while we are gone? who is gonna cuddle with me on the couch when jimmy isn't here? who is gonna cuddle with jimmy when i'm not here? who is gonna live in boxes & chew them to show that they are his? who is gonna whine at me to give him breakfast or to let him out? who is gonna bite molly & riley when they come over? who is gonna let me take pictures of their gorgeous face & magical green eyes? who is gonna sit on my lap when i blog?

i just hope this is a nightmare and i'm gonna wake up soon.

we love you & will miss you.

you could NEVER be replaced.

Cooper Lucifer



...whatcha really want?......whatcha bitches want?...... {to the DMX song obvi}

alrighty, so we got the DNA test for daisy! in about 2 weeks we will see what breeds she is!!!!

i just looked really quickly for a picture of her:
she is 26 lbs and definitely full grown.

any ideas on what breeds? winner gets a prize!!!!!

{if you want to see more pictures of her, scroll through the blog to find them, i have to go play volleyball.}


big green slide

summer fun sun slides

summer fun sun slides

summer fun sun slides

summer fun sun slides

summer fun sun slides

summer fun sun slides

went to visit the girls today. we had fun playing in the sun and chillaxin'

coopin' just isn't the same...

poor cooper has been sick for the past couple of days. he has been throwing up all over the frickin place & he just looks so sad. i feel awful fur :} the little guy. i have been taking advantage of the situation though by cuddling with him. if he is still sick tomo, i have to take him in to get checked up on. and while i'm there, i'm going to see if i can get the DNA test for daisy. i want to know what different dog breeds she is. Photobucket


this pisses me off. this cop did nothing wrong!!!!!!! those stupid ignorant bitches had every right to be punched in the face.



so our spare tv hasn't been really working for the past 3 months or so. but we have been so busy that it hasn't been a HUGE issue. well i really want to start getting rid of some of the To Do List. the tv is one thing. you can see the picture, but it has a snowy film over it and the static noise to go with it.

it costs $100 for the Dish to come out and fix it.

we walked around the house and BINGO! found the problem. it appears that something [or utah] cut the cable line. nice. fab. great. fanfuckintastic! i think the price for the repair should be lowered since we found the problem.

i hate To Do Lists.

slip-n-slide part 4

slip-n-slide summer fun water

slip-n-slide summer fun water

slip-n-slide summer fun water

slip-n-slide summer fun water

slip-n-slide summer fun water

slip-n-slide summer fun water

slip-n-slide,water,summer fun
slip-n-slide,water,summer fun

this is funny



now i have to learn how to use it.


girls night out

i am not a dessert person, i like salty stuff the best. but i just HAD to make dessert for girls night. whatever was left over, i took to a party today & it was gone in 5 min!!! good stuff.
these are chocolate cream cheese cupcakes. made COMPLETELY from scratch.
chocolate cookies with red raspberry jam. (the cookie reminded me of oreos) again made all from scratch (except for jam. duh)
pound cake with a kahlua, whipped cream & powdered sugar. then i garnished it with cocoa powder, lemon zest, and mint. mmm
facials b4 we go out: me, nicole, & kim
holly & kim

trying on holly's glasses

on the way home, kim laid across the 2 car seats in the back of carey's car.

the arbonne lady did a demonstration with graham crackers and she said the cracker was like our skin. i came back with, "why does it have to be a cracker? is it bc we are white?"

katie's graduation party

my mom made the cake. of course she did a great job. she even made the little shoes & hat & stuff on the cake. impressive.
testing out my camera. i still don't really know how to use it. haha

mikey about to dunk thomas (my godson)
gary & dennis playing cornhole.
michele showing us her beer [which she said was making her tired. haha]
joey & my dad tossing some cornhole bags. hehe

which by the way, mikey & i were undefeated. and some kid thought i was only 18 yrs old. NICE!

baseball alumni game

jimmy - still the best baseball player from cf

hanging @ the lake

michelle dancing with daisy
cuddling with cooper
we went swinging while we waited for everyone to get to the beach.

is that NOT the scariest turtle you have ever seen? freaky
jimmy jumping off the swings!


the kiddies playing

cooper keeping his eye on whatever is outside, little does he know, he isn't ALLOWED out there.
now he's just bitter that i won't let him out.
daisy goes in for the kill..and BAM! cooper bitch slaps her.
she comes over to me, "cooper hit me...."
she goes back for more. BOOM! bitch slap.


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