

well i'm so glad i ended up not giving a $h!t how i looked in a bikini, bc mike and i had a blasty blast at Kalahari!

There was one ride that i was soooo afraid to go on.  the  Tanzanian Twister.  you go down this skinny body slide that shoots you out to a "toilet bowl" like a giant turd. and you swirl around it until you fall thru this hole into a 6'5" mini pool. the shooting and swirling look awesome, but falling into that deep of water with heavy water pouring down on you so it's hard to get up out of the water!!!  AYFKM!?  well we had to try it. duh.

it was really funny to stand at the top and see the ppl go down.  almost everyone landed differently.  the first time mike went down he landed on his head and said that it hurt.  the second time, he was about to land on his head but he scooted his way out.

i did the same landing both times.  went around the bowl fast, then started slowing as i got to the opening and BAMM!  shoulders first.  after you land in the pool, you also have no clue which way your facing!  i had my eyes open the whole time i was swirling and still always ended up facing the wrong way.  AHHH so scary!  you have to try!  love it!

then there was a ride called the Zip Coaster.  looks like a lot of fun...it jerked you around so hard, my back was in so much pain after 5 seconds on it.

there were so many funny things that happened!  my abs got a great work out from laughing so hard, and my legs from climbing the steps.  good times.  good times.  and the drive was super quick.  UNLIKE the next trip to Jeffersonville Outlets.  it's like 3 hours.  ugh....

oh yeah.  while we were driving thru the parking lot someone almost drove right into my car.  they didn't even stop to see if a car was coming!!!!  turns out it was one of the asshole FRESHMEN that i teach!  pretty sure 14 is not the legal driving age in ohio.  i would have beat the shit out of him if he hit my car.  but how ironic would it be that we drove all the way out there and got into a fender bender with someone from our town.  hahaha.   fucker.

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