
Because, why the hell not.

I know that it's not even February yet, but I thought signing up as head room parent in Caden's room would be a great idea.  It has been easy peasy so far, and I like that I get first dibs on party jobs.   Although it can be stressful and I think it's just because I know what's coming up.  I also like to be prepared.  For the Valentine's Day party, I'm signing up for the "sweet treat" and have a cute idea for that.  I'll need to practice it and eat the cakes in the process.  You know, just to make sure that they are ok for the public.  So since I will have my hands full, I figured I would get the Valentines out of the way.  I made these for Caden and Ryder's teachers.

Caden's Valentines for his classmates are a pencil "arrow" that I made.  That was.....tedious.   And I absolutely hated every second of it.  But they turned out really cute.

Dinner tonight, I was on my own.  I wanted something healthy but also wasn't feeling that great to eat.  So I decided to make a soup.  I made it up myself.  No recipe of course.

Sautéd shallots & jalapeño
Added some silken extra firm tofu to that
Boiled some low sodium chicken broth and water
Microwaved Steam-in-a-bag broccoli
Added everything to the broth & enjoyed every last drop

It was exactly what I needed.  I just wish I made more.  Rode the bike again today, and I felt like I was going to die.  My legs felt so amazing afterwards.  I love how as I'm riding they feel hard as a rock, like I actually have muscle in there hiding underneath all of that fat.  Just squeezed them, NOPE still just blubber.  Dammit.

Went through two toy boxes today and cleared out a lot of stuff again.  Let's see what I can toss tomorrow!!

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