
A Day with Grandma...

I took Caden out to see my Grandma today. We went out to Amish Country (Mespo) to go to their General Store. We were going to go to the Cheese Factory, but we figured that we would do that on a different day.


A shout out to BW! How random is that? What's even MORE random is that my mom & Mikey are at BW today....Weird.


She thought these little colanders were handy.


It's a good thing, I have a soft-spoken voice. I said, "OH wow! Look at that really old toilet {or in my accent: TOE-let}. Oh, wait. That's a scale. drrrrr."



What's more creepier than dolls on shelves? Amish dolls on shelves. *shudder*



mmm homemade fudge


This was great. My grandma said, "Oh Kristine, look. They have those whoopie cushions." I laughed. Then she said, "You know. You sit on them and they sound like you made a whoopie! HAHA!"

HAHAHA! I love how she explained what they are to me.


They had some cool tables



She got a kick outta the soap.



The Laffy Taffy UH!



Here is the laffy part! He obviously had a good time!



OF COURSE, I spotted these crazy hats! And OF COURSE we had to try them on and take pictures of it!



This is HUGE!

So after the general store, we went back to her place and had lunch. I told her that I would like to go to Papa's gravesite sometime. I haven't been there yet and it's been 8 yrs since he passed. So we got to talking about him and we are going to go next week. Then it was off to Walshart for some errands. We were in the baby aisle and she said she HAD to buy Caden this really cute onesie. Then right after we put it in the buggy and went to the next aisle, there was a FRICKIN DIME ON THE GROUND!

ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?!?! I know you all know my Dime Story, so I'm sure you can imagine the chills that went through my body. "Holy CRAP Grandma! LOOK! A DIME!" She looks at me and smiled, "Grandpap is saying hi." I replied, "or he is telling me that the onesie is from him, too!" hehe.

Wow. Amazing. I love it. That truly made my day. It was like I was spending the day with both of them and didn't even know it. Very cool.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

AWESOME shots (as always) Kristine! And love your dime stories :)


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