
7 year itch....

I can't believe it's that time already. We've been married for 7 years!!!! It's so weird, bc I feel like we've been together for a VERY long time, but in a good way. Not like, "ugh, we've been together for over 10 years." But more like, "we've done SOOOOO much together, I can't wait to do more!" :)

I'm not quite sure what it is about our relationship, but it really is unusual. We rarely ever argue, and if we do it doesn't last very long. We have inside jokes out the wazoo. Neither of us can go without quoting a movie at least 2x a day. We have the same stupid humor. We think the sound of a fart is hilarious. Except, his, they all sound like he shit his pants. That's not funny in the least. ;) We both like to party, but we also like nights in, too. We like doing stuff together and we also like doing stuff on our own. It's like the perfect mesh.

Anyway! My friend of about 24 years, Jenna, mailed us this box for our anniversary:


I couldn't wait to open it to see what was inside!


The biggest fortune cookie I have ever seen!!!

It was delicious!!! Dipped in white Belgian chocolate sprinkled with little candy hearts. mmm mmm!!!

1 comment:

Jimmy 5 said...

i seriously just laughed out loud about the shitting my pants comment! I can honestly say that I think we were meant to be together. Its been a great 10 years and I can't wait for many more!


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