
been working

So I've been kinda busy.  Selling our house, moving out of it, buying another house, moving into my parents' house until the damn renters get out of our new house, coaching volleyball, playing volleyball, taking wedding photos, banquet photos, baby portraits, rushing babies to doctor's for food allergy, making flyers and tri-folds, about to throw in substitute teaching soon, raising 2 kids, one dog, a cat, and a partridge in a pear tree...

This is the sample of the flyer I just did. 

It's after 11 now, so I think I should go to bed, considering that Ryder doesn't really sleep in and I get to do all of this over again tomorrow.  :)

What I meant to say is that I DO have a lot of pictures, I just need to find the time to upload, edit, format, and blog.  

Fall is vastly approaching - - love me some autumn days!  Definitely going to have pictures during this time of the year.  Oh and Halloween....OH god! Halloween is coming up.  Shit. I need costumes.

See ya soon!

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