
2013 Different Needz Foundation Charity Golf Outing

So, I was the event photographer for the Different Needz Luke Jordan Annual Golf Outing.  The weather was great!  So I was finally able to take pictures of people golfing.   There are so many pictures you can take of that though.  So after asking to help inside, I just kinda waited until people where done golfing.  A foursome asked me to come along with them. (They could see that I needed something to do).  They even let me golf with them.  And apparently, I'm not bad!  Looks like Jimmy needs to take me to the driving range!  I have a better picture on my instagram account.

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Since I was out with the golfers, I was a little late to getting back for the evening portion of the event.  So I didn't have time to get ready or do my hair.  Oops.  Well maybe next year, I'll get my own cart so I can drive myself around.

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This picture cracks me it.  Cousin It, playing golf.  HA!  Then Jimmy & I at the dinner that night.

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