
so weird...

So this couple that we know just had a boy on March 22.  Our first born was born on the same day!  We named him Caden. (duh)  We almost named our second baby Mason.  But saw how popular it was so decided against it.  They named their baby Mason.  And their second if they have a boy is going to be Caden.  How weird that we both had the same two names picked out and had kids born on the same day (different year)!


So our days have been super busy!!!  Track started so I get to go coach again!  It's been a lot of fun.  This is a really great group of kids.  We have 105 of them on our team!  Yes 105 middle school kids and 4 of us!  Ha!

I'm still waiting on Spring to start!  Would LOVE to do some Spring Cleaning.  This weather is not helping with that.  It's so hard to wake up knowing how effing cold it's going to be that day.  That it's March 24th and there is still friggin snow on the ground and going to snow again next week.  That groundhog can seriously kiss my ass.  I think it's time for a new one!  I could start now bc there isn't anything to do outside, so at least I wouldn't be missing the nice weather while stuck inside cleaning, BUT I want to open the windows!!!!

I want to throw stuff away!  I want to wash the baseboards!  I want to give LOTS to charity!  I basically want everything out (then I can buy new stuff  Haha  JK)

I really, really want to go for a walk.  It sucks that I can't even go do that!   And everything in the house is so dusty!  Like thick layers of dust.

Maybe I should just make some margaritas, put some self tanner on, blare some tunes, turn the heat up really high and think Spring.  Keeping pants on though.  Legs are so fat.

I did see that the weather is supposed to warm up.  But still we are having a snowstorm this week.  Maybe it will be the LAST!  :)

Here's to hoping!

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