
Mom's Farmhouse

My mom grew up with 10 siblings. Yes, her parents had 11 kids! They lived in a lot of different houses, but one of them will always stand out to me. The Farmhouse on 44. It TOTALLY looks haunted. When we first moved here, it didn't look run down, but it's been 17 years, and it looks pretty crappy. They lived there for 10 years in the 60's-70's.

I'm so fascinated by this house. Not sure why, maybe because it has to have sooo much history. So many stories from the families who lived in it. A couple of years ago, my aunts & cousin broke into it and took some pictures. I have never seen the pictures. And it would have been nice to see it then.

There has been a dumpster out in front of it for awhile. So we think they are tearing it down or fixing it up. My mom, my aunt, Caden, and I drove over there one day last month to check it out. My mom wanted to show me the inside so badly, so I can see the cool house & the awesome staircase.


I don't know why, but I should have tried to see what was inside the dumpster.


There were a bunch of signs saying No Trespassing. Apparently, we didn't see them.

The house is owned by the city of Akron, because it's by the lake. They bought a ton of property by the water.


yuck. I was SOOOO scared to go up to the door, bc i REALLY REALLY thought the place was haunted.

I got to the door and OMG! The inside was GUTTED! There were no floors, no dividing walls. Nothing. Just piles of wood. My mom is gonna freak. She immediately walked to the back. Then I heard her go through a door and just sigh, "omg!!!! NOOOOOO!"



I went in. Wow! What the HELL is going on here?



oh really?


There were so many memories going through my mom's head. I could feel her pain. She wanted to go to certain rooms to reminisce, but those rooms weren't there. It was so sad & depressing. I wanted to cry & I have never been in there, I have no memories of it, but I still felt sad.

There are 5 barns on the property. (i think).


We walked over to them. Some of them you could see into, some were boarded up shut. There were also a bunch of Honeybees!


Either way, they were creepy!!!


We may or may not have taken some mementos with us. Some things that could have been my grandma's.


I ALWAYS think of Dorothy when I see these. And yes. I opened it and looked down there. It was freaky.


All of the registers were piled outside on the porch.




and haunted.

My mom said she said some Habitat for Humanity papers on the ground. Who knows how long they were there or what that even means. Are they using the wood for it? Are they fixing the place up for HFH? What? But if they were, why would they take ALL of the floors out so you can see all the way up to the roof? We are thinking they are just bulldozing it. But then why would they take the time to take all of the floors out? UGH! I want answers! And I want them NOW!!!!

1 comment:

Karhon said...

As i sit here and cry, i know that this is just a house.But it is a house with alot of history.It's nearly 200yrs old.I have alot of wonderful childhood memories that will always be with me. And i am going to go back and go thru the rubbish. Thanks for the pics. Love mom


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