
oakley tank

poor little guy!!!! his flexor tendons are inflamed. i went online to check it out. BAD mistake! just read a bunch of horror stories! so i quickly closed that page!

the vet said he just probably has a little tendonitis & gave him some pain meds. they are gonna call in about 10-14 days to see if he has gotten any better. i'm not supposed to let him jump off of anything, which is fine, because he already won't. he just sits there and whines until you take him off of something.

all of the areas are healing well & there is no infection. so hopefully this is just a little inflammation and then he is good to go! :)


My Bumpers League VB team won the championship last friday!!!!

Tonight, my 8th grade girls play Aurora. Or as I pronounce it "uh-war-wa." SPEAKING OF WHICH, one of my friends is a speech therapist and i asked her to help me figure out why i can't pronounce these words correctly:


Turns out i use my lips too much (like a "w") and i don't have the back of my tongue in the right spot. haha so she had me say "grrrrr" I was fine with that. I can say "r's" fine. it's just when they have that dang "or" sounds after. So we went thru & practiced a few things.

Sometimes i threw an "aurrrrrra" in there.

I can actually say it right!!! ok. about 1 out of the 4 times i try. but that's a start!

*i think when i sub and i have the student Rory again, I'm still just gonna call him by his last name though. haha

I have to keep practicing. this sucks.

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