
Hair from Channel 3 News

So, I was asked to model summer hairstyles for the Channel 3 News. We drove down to Dino's in Cleveland and they filmed us right along the shoreline near the Rock-n-Roll Hall of Fame. They had a high school student, a college student, and a working lady. HAHA I was the "working lady." So....what you're saying is, hooker. right? haha.

Anyway, the camera guy said I was a lot of fun to film bc I wasn't shy at all. Yes, I am rather goofy. He said, "Oh man, here comes Trouble." He doesn't even know me. How the heck did he realize that already? HA. I kept making him laugh, and he'd have to start over.

We all got to see the the footage & it looked pretty good. It was a gorgeous day out. But anyway, this was about 2 months ago. I totally missed it on TV, so I never got to see it completed. If anyone can find the footage online let me know. It would be funny to see.
i like the messy look & John put raffia in my hair for color & texture.

ugh. i never wear that much makeup. you can clearly see the foundation completely caked on my face. gross.

1 comment:

Jimmy 5 said...

Foundation aside... you totally could have been a model! Then, I wouldn't have to work and could focus on becoming a professional golfer... Oh well


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