
weekend wrap up...

so friday night i went out to dinner with nicole and then she wanted to go see New Moon. I'm ALWAYS in for a movie. well we definitely picked the wrong night to go see it. there was actually a HUGE line and the girls screamed when they opened the doors!! now i understand that ppl have an obession with stuff, but wow. so as we were trying to watch the movie, she and i kept saying to each other, "are we old or something? why won't these teeny-boppers shut the f up?" the 2 stupid girls behind us talked (LITERALLY) the whole time. i'm actually surprised that i didn't turn around and say something. (no i'm not, but i wish i did). then everytime one of the so-called hotties in the movie showed up, everyone in the theater screamed! *what just happened? anyway, the movie was very entertaining and we enjoyed it, just wish we picked a different night to see to. ya know, so we could actually hear what they were saying.

saturday, i had to take a few pictures for the paper, then i must have been bombed the rest of the day, bc i don't remember much. haha. i do remember going out to dinner & for some christmas ale before the football game. which btw i took a ton of pix for the paper, to find out monday morning that someone else was already there. eh, good experience....

sunday, 3-4 hours of volleyball. my back seriously HATES me. not to mention the fact that my knee, ankle and wrist hurt, too. what am i 89 yrs old? then off to take MORE pictures for the paper. i spent about 2.5 hours editing them all. i did however make a delicious dinner. jimmy said it was the best salad that he has ever tasted. hmm. that's pretty cool. i also watched the browns' game...

looking forward to this loco week! can't wait to see everyone one!!

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