
no denying it...

i guess it really is true. i am just an american bad ass. eh...could be worse. i could be vapid. tuesday was a crappy day. i decided it would be a good day to drive out to homey depot to get stuff for my backdrops. well that was a dumb idea. ugh! i was driving down the road and saw a pig going the other way. shoot-oink-oink. i looked down at my speedometer. "crap!*" [hehe] i was going about 50 in a 35. eh. they can't pull you over if they are driving in the other lane. WRONG-O! ugh! this is becoming rou-f.ing-tine for me! i pretended to be nice this time; even asked for just a warning. "sorry, we don't give out warnings for 19 over." NO! you just don't give me a warning!

that is bullshit! EVERY single time i get pulled over, i'm guaranteed a ticket. NOT ONCE have i EVER gotten a warning. i mean come on....that's a little harsh. now how is a person like me supposed to respect authority, if they never give me a break; if i am THE ONLY FRICKIN' person i know who has NEVER GOTTEN A WARNING?!?! i'm sick of people telling me about how they get pulled over all the time...blah blah blah..and then finishing their stories with, "oh no, he gave me just a warning" F -YOU!

whatever, i get. i guess it's bc every time i do get pulled over for speeding, i am apparently going at least 16 over the speed limit. well, if anything is worth doing, it's worth doing right! i like to speed. keep NOT giving me warnings, whatever makes you sleep at night, since your so upset about having a small

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