
life at the moment.

Things still aren't back on track.  And I'm pretty sure we have derailed completely for the time being.  And why do I still look like I'm pregnant????  Ryder will be 4 months this week!  UGH!  I have a couple of pictures to post.  But I haven't gotten to them.

Pissed because my iMovie won't import my videos from my camcorder.  I've done it before!  WTF?  And I have NO room on my camera- so I can't take any video until that gets resolved.  I don't have the time or the patience right now to figure it out.  Plus I just found out that the memory on my computer is pushing the limits.  It's at the point where you try to stuff one more thing into that suitcase.  So I spent all day going through my photo files, backing them up, working on freelance photos and packing some more boxes.

Oh yeah, we're moving.  Won't be able to live in our new house for over a year, but the packing has begun.  I have about 10 boxes packed.  The house doesn't look like I made a dent.  Ha.  Shit.  I need a day that is just devoted to that.  But with track, photo stuff, dealing with STUPID technology, two kids, two pets, and life in general- - I don't think I'm going to be getting that day.

To be honest, I'm lucky to get a shower in or go to the bathroom.  Seriously.  It's that busy.  Sometimes, I just want to sit in a quiet room, alone and scream at the top of my lungs.  But "ain't nobody got time for that."  No joke.  I don't even have time for that. Plus all it would do is give me a headache & all of the shit I have to do will still be there waiting for me.  It's 11:45pm.  My eyes are burning, so I'm going to bed.

Tomorrow is ANOTHER busy day. woo-hoo

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