
thb moment

I was checking out the weather and the ticker at the top said, "Winter Storm Draco Pounds Midwest."  So being the "speak before you think" person that I am sometimes, I say out loud, "Winter storm Draco pounds midwest? Ugh! I want to be pounded!"  I laughed mid-word of "pounded."

I would say that.

Could be the lack of sleep I've been getting.  We can just blame it on that.  I can't believe it's December 20th already!!!!  I was really excited for the Christmas Holidays this year.  But I'm actually not looking forward to them now.  It's kinda sad.  I thought I would be getting better sleep by now & that means that Jimmy has to go back to work.   :(    Plus, as much as I want to see everyone, I really don't want to bring Caden & Ryder around anyone.  I canNOT afford to get either of them sick.  And everyone is sick right now.  Double-edged sword.

It's too bad everyone can't just look at the two of them from afar!  Haha.


So we have been camped out in our living room for the past 2 weeks.  (HOLY SHIT THAT WENT BY FAST)  and I just stood on the step looking down into here.  It looks like a frickin' tornado hit the room.  I don't handle clutter well.  I get very anxious and depressed when rooms are really messy.  I have to either just shut the door and walk away (my office)  or deal with the situation.  Well there is no door to the living room.  So the only thing I can think of is to THROW AWAY STUFF!

It's a good thing I bought NOTHING for the boys for Xmas.  I just wrapped up hand-me-downs.  There is no room for anything else.


Another rant. Our baby monitor is garbage!  The receivers are fully charged and keep beeping that there is no battery.  You have to hold it in a certain spot for it to work, too.  I really want to buy a video one, but they are NOT worth over $200.  I'll have to keep an eye out at the consignment shop.  Maybe they'll have one there and I can try to sell this one there.  hehe.

I have to go check on Ryder every 5 seconds to make sure he is okay, bc he doesn't lie still.  The boy is constantly fidgeting around.

Whew!  Okay.  Hopefully there will be more exciting & happier news for the next post.

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