
we be plopin'


Nicole & I at a wedding*Caden likes to look at his tongue in my camera phone*Enjoying breakfast outside*my new bikini top*A kangaroo @ the circus*Sleeping baby in my arms I wish he did that more often*New roller blades!!!!!*My onions bloomed!*


Hanging in the backyard & at the fire station*The dam was torn down*bowling* Mike & John on my scooter for the senior parade* That tongue again! :)*Driving Daddy's fire truck*first wagon ride!


Some old lady gardening on a wagon*I saw a penis spray painted on the road*S'mores!*Erin took that picture of the Home Alone house!!!*Kim made me that anklet*My old Russo's name tag*Strawberry Basil Lemondade*Painting a room*Mother's Day Breakfast from Mikey


Prom*Mike flicking off the camera*Burntwood*Grove Hill, You are my bitch*My new wind chime*My love fern*Caden in his mini pool

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