
student vs. faculty game 2011




It was cool. They let Jimmy play against Mikey this year




I love how that kid wore a suit coat with his shorts bc he was the "coach"

And there goes Mikey dunking to end the game!


I haven't forgotten about you. I've been really busy with the baby. As soon as things get more routine, I will be able to post away!

I would like to gripe about the fact that I heard it's supposed to snow this week. WTF is that all about? lame.

I can't wait for the weather to get nice again!


Let's Go for a Walk!

The weather was around 60º for two whole days!!! So we took Daisy for a walk. She loves the outdoors, she couldn't miss this!


Hey Dais! Are ya having fun?


Little jokester!


We stopped at my parents to pick up her best friend, Gidget.





I think she's thirsty. Let's head back.






All smiles. She is so happy!!!!


A little burst of energy before we head inside.

It definitely was a good day! They both had a blast!

Hopefully the weather will get nice again soon, so we can do more things outside. She is definitely more happier when she can spend time with us running around in the fresh air!



Happy St. Patty's Day!!!!


As tradition sets in, we had green eggs, ham {bacon counts}, and toast for breakfast. Only one thing we missed this year. Green Beer. But we have a good reason to not enjoy that. {the little nugget} It's gonna be the quietest St. Patty's Day EVER!

It's 60º out though, I think we should take Daisy for a walk. She looks like she could use it. I let her outside today, bc she LOVES the outdoors. We all need some fresh air! Maybe she can go on our little road trip with us.

On our search for the wee little leprechaun & his pot o' gold!




Stupid meringue. It wouldn't stiffen. I went to a few forums online to see what I did wrong. Pretty sure it was the fact that I got a little bit of yolk in it. Oh well. Next time.


Um...There is still snow on the ground and it's only 36º outside. Therefore, there really isn't much to write about. I just finished watching the movie A-Team. Let me just say- - if you haven't seen it- DO IT! It's really good. Also the movie Balls Out. I've never heard of it, but it was on Starz, so we DVR'd it. That was frickin' hilarious! You have to have our kind of humor though. I could totally see someone not liking it.

*fingers crossed* to WARM WEATHER!!!!!


Mac & Never Look Back....

Yesterday was a lot of fun. I got to hang out with this hot guy named Jimmy. We went to the Apple store & bought him a MacBook Pro!!! I'm going to have so much fun showing him how to use it. We have been talking about getting a new computer for awhile now since our PC desktop is 7 years old. Not only did we both agree a laptop was the better way to go, but ever since I've had my Mac, I realized it's true what they say, "Once you go Mac, you don't go back."

Ok, maybe they don't say it that way, but that's how I phrase it. We looked at PC laptops, but Jimmy said he is spoiled, and needs one like mine. The Trackpad alone, is worth the extra few $500. HAHA. There really is so much more that Mac offers, so we splurged.

My biggest concern is the iTunes. We both would like to store our iTunes songs on an external hard drive. Everyone tells me that's possible. You can even just drag over 1 song & go through it like it's just another file. Well, I plugged in my terabyte EHD, and wouldn't you know. IT DOESN'T WORK LIKE THAT!!!! Are you kidding me?!?!?! I can't just go through it like it was a flash drive & look at certain files. I'm pretty computer savvy, so I know what I'm doing. The EHD will NOT let me do that.

Luckily, I have a different kind of EHD. It doesn't have as much space as my TB, but it's whatever. And go figure....that one TOTALLY works like everyone says. Ok, so what am I supposed to do with this other one? Luckily this is my last day of working for this month, due to this bun in the oven, so hopefully I will have time to figure out that stupid drive.

I gotta do something to get my mind off of the waiting game that this baby is playing. Plus it's so crappy & cold outside, I don't really plan on going anywhere. :/


Jeremy's 30th Surprise Birthday Party!

Jimmy did a great job getting him there, while we all hid around the corner!

He was TOTALLY surprised! Nicole did an awesome job putting together the great party! We all had a fun time! And hey, I tried bowling for another weekend in a row to get this labor thing in gear.

Sarah watching Robbie bowl & Jimmy smiling about the fact that I was probably kicking his ass at bowling. haha ok...I probably didn't.

Me bowlin'
Nobody could believe that I'm 9.5 months pregnant AND bowling.
Don't worry people, I totally sucked! Caroline & Tommy kicked my ass.

The last game- I lost to Tommy only by 1 point though. (110-111)

Jeremy checkin' out roll

Nicole- sorry it's so dark.
stupid flash didn't go off.

Caroline throwin' down

Caroline & I posin' in between, eating, bowling & drinking (Sierra Mist for me)

MMM...cassata cake!
I need some NOW!!!!

Nicole & Jeremy.
They are so cute.

Jimmy ending the night with backwards, through the leg rolls only.
He got more strikes doing that than I did regularly.




I decided to bring my camera to the bowling alley, bc I want to practice using my new lens. I really love that lens!


Scott was first up.


Then Whit threw down.


Cobra "me" was next in line to bowl.


Last but certainly not least, Dexter "Jimmy" was the clean-up.


We got our bowling names for the evening from our shoes. Mine was made by the company Team Cobra & Jimmy's were Dexter.


We all enjoyed the Team Nachos!


They look disgusting! I can't believe I ate that!


Who is that HOTTIE?!?!

There was a family next to us, who was VERY into their bowling. They even brought stat sheets & all. I felt bad, but I couldn't stop looking at them. It was like a train wreck. And the dad kept looking over at us, so I had to constantly look away. I have no idea why I found them so interesting, but I did.


Here is the daughter. We thought it would be fun to insert your own caption describing this picture. We found that the pattern on her ball was very ironic...


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