
it's that time of year again...

...you know. when i have too many girls on my vb team and have to find a way to play them all. ugh!

i already told 2 girls that they will not get much playing time, if any at all. and they said, "ok. that sounds good." and what do they do....."hey coach, who am i going in for? hey coach, when do i go in?" NEVER! jk. so of course, i take someone out and put them in. idk why i do that.

then my other dilemma, some of my girls are too busy watching the 7th grade practice, that when a ball comes over they aren't paying attention & it hits the floor or they shank it. um...ok "YOU'RE OUT!" i'm telling them tomo that if i see that, i will just send them over there to watch. we don't need them over here then.

then i have a girl who has never played, and her skills are not quite anywhere near anyone else's on the team. BUT she knows exactly where to be and when people are supposed to switch on the court. ugh! haha but as soon as a ball comes to her, boom-point other side. poor thing. :/

i have about 8-9 really good players, but if you play in the first game, you're not allowed to play in the 2nd game. (stupid rule, but i understand why they have it at the middle school level) so i can only play 6 at one time. well then my other 3 players, i don't want sitting out & subbing. i want them in all the time. so unfortunately they are on the less experienced team. one of the girls was really down today, bc her team couldn't receive a serve if their life depended on it. i told her not to get discouraged and to step up and lead the team. get them pumped.

i think i should give a little pep talk to some of the players on that team tomo b4 practice. and honestly, if i just throw "freeballs" in, both teams can play it out. it's just the serve receive that kills them.

the athletic director let 2 extra girls walk on my team late in try-outs bc they were on vacation. i'm so pissed about that bc i have WAY too many players on my team. i have 4 subs which is ridiculous when you have a team of 9 out of 12 who are really good. i know for sure where i'm going to put one of the subs. but the other subs don't have a spot yet. and i really don't think they ever will.

and like i said, i already told 2 of them that they may never play. so how do i get them to stop bugging me & asking who they are going in for? BC THEY SHOULD NOT BE GOING IN FOR ANYONE! sorry, harsh, but it's the truth.

tomo we are going to play 6 on 6 again. and i will hopefully have a set line-up. our first game is monday.


Jimmy 5 said...

Love the playlist. Just come into work, open the blog and let it play. On another note, you might not have to worry about your "bad players". Hopefully your good players will be so good that they get big leads and then you can sub girls in. Just remember that yes wins and losses are important, but your job is to teach them all the game. Even if they dont get a lot of playing time in games, your job is to make them better players for the future. Having no experience of ever being on a good team, I do know that you can have "too good" of a team. Your expectations could be so high that if they get down or lose they'll be disappointed. You cannot let that happen. If ya ever need any more advise on how to coach, feel free to ask, my career record is 6-18!

Unknown said...

Write down your starters now and then see who is starting in high school. You will be surprised to see how many of the weaker players are now starting and the starters are no longer there. Alos, you need to be careful no one on the team is following your blog if you are going to put those comments out there

thb said...

so....what you're saying is.....???

i should have just cut people. i'm too nice


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