
what a beeeeyotch

so my crazy neighbor, Utah, decided to plant a forsythia right next to my new Japanese maple, so she doesn't have to see my air conditioning unit. (which by the way is brand new and nice looking- for an ac unit) will she ever give it up?

i don't know if i ever mentioned her on this blog, but she is seriously psychotic. she is always scraping up against our house back there "pulling weeds." the last incident was her edging one of the "beds" back there and she cut through Daisy's invisible fence wire. so she just threw the wire against the house and tried to cover it up. i live on a main street. if my dog went out after a squirrel...roadkill. what a fucking bitch! this was literally the 4th time we have said something to her. and she STILL doesn't see it as a problem. it honestly doesn't even look bad back there. her "flower beds" haven't been tended to in years and i don't say anything. i just look at them and think, "wow, if she spent less time worrying about our yard, hers would look better."

i actually have a neighborhood watch on her. oh and another neighbor caught her peeking into another neighbors house. WHO DOES THAT?!?!! she is sooooo weird.

on a happier note i subbed for pre-school and 2nd grade today. pre-school aged kids are NOT my thing. 2nd grade is cool though. they even made me a ton of stuff to take home. :) actually there were only 3 kids in PS who were really annoying, so maybe it's just that those kids are not fun. i would be embarrassed if my kids acted the way they do. oh god. i really hope my kids don't turn out like that. hahaha.

time to get my drink on.

go cavs.

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