
ok so the grass seed and fertilizer and straw isn't doing jack shit.  where's my friggin grass that is supposed to grow?  any suggestions?


so there we were

so mike and i were watching 2012, and i said, "does this movie always start out like this?"  



that explains how my day went.  i have been so brain dead. super tired.


mall bungy in action

mall bungy!

 she was a little nervous at first, but who wouldn't be?
 little jumps...
 little bigger jumps....
 even bigger jumps...

 WHOA!  look how high she is!!!!
 she's a pro, now she's ready to try some backflips
 riley wanted to try so badly, once she got strapped in....

d is for.....


there's nothing like a mall ride...

 riley cruisin'

 molly having a blast. (haha)

c is for....



funny bear story

april showers

alright, these April Showers better hurry the eff up and begone!  May is FASTLY approaching and i have a LOT planned!  

2 bridal showers, 3 girls' nights, blossom, lake, mom's bday, vb camps, etc

i love May.  there is always so much going on.  :) 


new leff family addition

dan & amanda's baby:

abigail elizabeth


sorry about the delay on the ABC photos.  i have some but i'm too lazy to upload them.  and my camera is in the car from last night, and i really don't feel like going out there and getting it.  haha  but don't worry, i didn't totally give up.  oh and jimmy scored a 66 on the wpm test.  so i have to step it up.


oh dear god.  ok i am 5'81/2" and the highest heels that i own are i think 2.5"   well, i am in a wedding and all of the bridesmaids are super short except me and a 5'10" girl.  the shoes that they picked out to wear are 4.25" high heels!  holy crap!  i'm gonna stand out WAY too much. shit.  don't get me wrong, i LOVE them and think they are SUPER sexy.  but i just don't have the confidence to completely tower over every fucking person in the wedding party.  pretty sure a 6'2" bridesmaid is going to be noticeable.  the girl who is 5'10" will also be 7 mos pregnant. haha.  these are the other choice shoe we have.  they are 3.5" heels, so that would make me shorter! haha.  BUT i don't really like them as much as the other ones.  guess i'm just going to have to strut my stuff and embrace the fact that i am tall modelesque (sp?).  i really hope my groomsman is taller than 6'2" fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck


scratch that!   i just got 63 wpm.


typing test

i'd just like to brag that i hold the record between jimmy & i on who can type the fastest on that website.  my personal best is 62 wpm.   his is 60 wpm.  


now i know that isn't that great considering nicole's brother & dad tried it the other day and did like 108 wpm (no joke)  and nicole has like 88 or something.  they are bionic!

akita shepherd

looks a little like daisy.....


for those of you who live under a rock... (i'm just playin'.)  check out the Texts From Last Night webpage.  it has funny and gross stuff on it.  usually people submit texts that they receive from their drunk friends.  well here are 2 texts from me, which i and the receivers thought were silly.

*ok jimmy and i were talking about cooper (our kitty cat)i don't like him on my bed bc he sheds........
 - - "he thinks if he lays at the VERY edge of the bed i won't know he's there. Uh...that's why i put a bell on you!"

*telling kristy what i'm wearing to the sex toy party.....
- - "i'm wearing jeans and a blouse.  did i just say blouse?  what am i 80 years old? i mean..i'm wearing a nicer top. and my name is Blanche."



anybody have any names of purple shrubs that would do well in part shade?

i was thinking of getting boxwoods, but i saw a plant that looked like a boxwood, only it was a burgundy color instead of green.  i think that would look best against my gray house.  but i have no idea what they are called.  any ideas?  i can't even find pictures online.

son of a bitch

are you frickin serious?!?

i fucking hate this world.  thanks a lot.

not gonna lie.  she is no longer one of my favorite actresses.  sell out.


a weekend of drunken debauchery


saw this in town while i was on a walk. hilarious!

lots of balls

b is for....

...butt, bikini, ball

weekly update...ish

ugh!  what the heck!  every year i walk to the pancake breakfast and this year is so shitty.  it's only going to be 39º!  there is NO way i'm walking now.

i was loco busy this past week.  i planted a ton of plants and of course, my back is killing me.  i always say that i hate landscaping, but as i was transplanting my mint, i realized that, "hmm...i actually like this."  it's so calming to me.  ahh....zen.....

i also had a sex toy party last night.  SUPER fun!  then a few of us went out afterward.  it was a great night.  this morning, i had to get up at 7 and drive out to dover to pick up my bridesmaid dress.  OMG!  my hips don't fit in it!  whoops.  so i am basically going to diet and workout "hardcore" for the next 3 months.  ugh!  so there goes my social life.  haha.  the dress fits fine, as long as i dont kneel in it.  or move...at...all.

haha! i just saw a "just for men" commerical, the hot blonde rings the doorbell asking for milk.  the guy RUNS to the grocery store, picks up the hair dye, dyes it, then answers the door.  she flashes her "come her eyes" and boom!  silly.  just silly.

so Lost has i think 3 more episodes left.  there IS NO WAY that they will tell us what the hell is going on in 3 episodes!  the last episode is prolly going to be 4 weeks long.  i mean, i am literally & completely confused on what is going on.

saw a back surgeon, looks like i am going to physical therapy again....he also wants me taking anti-inflammatories EVERYDAY!  i hate taking pills.  even if i have a really bad headache.  i'm prolly not going to take that advice.  that really can't be good for someone.

this week will be more landscaping...and my volleyball team won our game so we are moving on in the playoffs.  i can't wait until this league is over. it sucks so much!


a is for....

animal cracker



ok, so i had to document this day
i have a LOT of different perfumes, 
so i don't wear the same scent every time.
i had this bottle of Gap's Dream since i was a freshman in high school and
 i finally just finished the last drop.

last monday i subbed kindergarten & 2nd grade

here is what my 2nd grade class made for me.
so cute.

some of their misspellings:

asame= awesome
pritie= pretty

p.s. i was not responsible for any spelling lessons that day.

beautiful days

daisy enjoying a ride in the car

molly & daisy playing

cooper & daisy waiting for jimmy and i to come home from work, so they can play outside.

more eyes! haha

the grass is greener on THIS side

easter 2010

carrie, leah, grandma, thomas (my godson), & uncle steve

linda, beth, michele, jan, my mom, kurtie

just a few of the puppies at the house

my mom tried to keep this puppy. but it didn't work out.  :/

brother & sister sleeping


i noticed the Cum Trees have blossomed.  stinky!!!!    i have to figure it out.  it isn't those chestnut trees.  they are pretty trees with white flowers.  ew!  so gross

new photo-a-day

ok so i have decided to take a photo-a-day challenge.

i will try my best to upload everyday.  no guarantees.

it'll be an alphabet challenge.  and not the kind where you find random objects that look like a letter, i'm talking things that begin with that certain letter.

i got this.

who says you can't learn anything from tv?

i don't know if i already knew this or not, (should probably go with "not" who are we kidding) but i just learned on New Adventures of Old Christine that Americans can't travel to North Korea.  HAHA   i think that's funny.

a) bc i didn't know that.


b) bc of just the fact that americans aren't allowed somewhere.

i guess kim jong il likes to be "ronery"

to each his own.....to each his own.



funny story.  so i'm on the phone with a sex toy party consultant and she is asking me for my email address.  there are "c's" in it.  so she said, "d as in dog?"   and  i replied, "no c as in cock."   hahaha!  it just blurted out. i couldn't stop it.

seriously though,  THAT'S the first C word that comes into my head?  man, i guess i am due for a sex toy party!  but let's be honest (hehe like that jimmy?)  when am i not ready for a sex toy party?



why are people so ignorant?  if you tell someone your name is "kristine" and then when you spell it you say it starts with a "k"  how in the hell do they think now, all of a sudden you have a different name, "kristen"?  what the F#ck is your problem?  people are so effing stupid. if my name was Kristin, i would have fucking said, "kristin."  but did i?   no. you dumb bitch.

i just subbed for kindergarten and second grade and they are smarter than you "folk."  i don't know why this bothers me so much.  i guess i think of it as....

example:   "My name is Jared."

"oh, hi.  ok,  Bob,  and what is your last name?"

it's shit like this that makes me want to just be a dick to everyone.



if there is someone who has done wrong to you; or is just an overall piece of crap person and Karma bites him/her in the ass, is it ok to be happy about it?  or does that make you a low life as well?  hahaha.

karma is a bitch folks.

happy april birthdays!

Happy Birthday:



alrighty. i am watching 100 top 90's songs.  i frickin' love all of them!  the 90's may have had the WORST fashion, but the music was grrreat!  (in my opinion, obvi)

so, let's discuss the fact that i get to sub at the elementary school tomo.  COMPLETELY different than the high school.  i hope it goes well.  it always cracks me up bc the kiddies always say, "wow!  you're tall!"  uh, duh.  i also got a call to sub at the high school.  gotta get on that quicker if you want me!  hehe.  ew.

my dog is sleeping next to me and her legs are moving like she is running.  HAHA!  epic.  is it weird that i think sinead o'connor was pretty in the 90's?  speaking of pretty gals, Katie Cassidy is sooooo hot! if i was a les i would for sure be dating her!!!!  just like i am not a les and dating Ryan Reynolds.  *sigh*

my anaconda don't want none unless you got buns hun!

HAHA sir-mix-a-ot just said about his video, "i'm sitting on the crack of this yellow ass and wearing brown, dude, i'm like a dancing turd."

i went on the elliptical today, thought i was gonna die.  and i was only on it for 45 min.  watching these makes me want to go to a karaoke bar.  ugh!  why do i have to work tomo?  i could be out getting my drink on.  dangit.  damn you easy paycheck!  maybe tomo night.  i do have to get up early sat and take pix for the paper.  i'm chief photographer this weekend.  i need front page ideas.  if you have any let me know.  :)

omg. i just got goosebumps from "i want it that way."  AHH!!!  hahaha. i don't even think ANY of them are hot.  the song just brings back great memories.  "one"-U2  good stuff.  ugh!  every song on this damn list.  i'm in music heaven.

now she is all hugging her legs.  hehe

"smells like teen spirit." #1 song on their 90's list.  
"i found it hard. it's hard to find oh well whatever nevermind."
oh god, do you remember kurt loder?  what a tool.  

check this out



speed typing

we had a conversation yesterday about speed typing. and how for some job, you had to type 48 words per min.  soooo i, of course, was VERY curious at how many words i can type for a minute.  i just took this test and got a 55 wpm score.  i'm really bored, so i will try to improve that!  but hey, at least i'd be able to get that job!  hahaha

it's so true

it's so true what they say, "once you go Mac, you don't go back."

i really don't know if they say that, but i love my Mac.  and i used a PC yesterday and kept forgetting that the close-out button is on the top right not left (like a Mac). not that there is anything wrong with PC's i just really like the Mac, and my notebook moves sooooo much faster than my desktop PC.  i haven't turned on my PC in weeks.

TAG! You're IT!!!!

christian & molly playing tag

molly, "ok go, i'll give you a head start"

i love the little tongue out.  it's like she is REALLY concentrating!


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