
i'm subbing right now. it feels like this day is going soooo slow. and when i am done here, i have to go home and work on my photos for the paper & then go to the office. it's like the days never stop. some of my old volleyball players found out that i am subbing and are begging to eat lunch with me. it's so hard to say no. haha. i should just sit here and play with my Photo Booth. that'll make the day go by quicker! i love that app.

p.s. there was an emergency call the other day: "party choking on Deepwood Dr." seriously? that's just too funny. how can you dispatch that out without laughing?


alexa @clevelandsaplum said...

i recommend just playing with photobooth...

Chelsea Talks Smack said...

i just got a new mac and IM IN LOVE WITH IT!


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