
ta-ta 2009!!- i'm sorry- did i blink?

omg...i feel like i just had that picture taken!

well i'm in the process of getting ready to go out- A.A.D.D. has struck again- - i wanted to take a moment to reflect on everything that happened in 2009...

...ok done.

a lot has happened, but i won't bore ya with the mushy deets.

it's time to rip a new one (haha- that sounds stinky)

i thought i would be going into the new year with a different outlook on certain things- but i guess not. karma's a bitch

so here's to 2010- The Year That Will Rock Til The End!!!

ew- that rhymes- - The Year That Will Rock...........-n-Stuff.



snot blot

snot blot: n. sort of like an "ink blot" only made of snot in your tissue. ew. come on- after you blow your nose you HAVE to look.
*to see if it's healthy & clear.

so why not laugh about it and make a snot blot. is that a butterfly? or a bicycle?

omg. i'm so gross.

not as gross as this though:


brownies' game

even though i was really feeling like shit- i'm glad i went to the game. it was SO exciting!!!
there were about 5 fights and 3 Raiders got ejected from the game! hahaha

we also had pretty decent seats.
the pictures DO NOT do them justice.


christmas eve 2009

molly & riley

...shitter was full!

super old christmas ornament. looks like it was hung alright.

dad & mikey laughing all the way. HA HA HA HA HA.

this was a very busy christmas! it actually didn't even feel like xmas. maybe bc there was no snow??? idk. but i was so busy that i didn't get a chance to take many pictures. i think i have about 5. :( not happy about that.

but even though, it didn't feel like xmas- - it was a really great week!!!

so much laughter!


3's a charm....

today while running last minute errands. (literally- - didn't know for sure that i was having xmas dinner, and now i have a shit load of stuff to get done...why am i sitting here, blogging???? bc i loathe cleaning.)

ANYWAY! as i was out, i did 3 good things for other people. not to make me feel better or in hopes that something good will happen to me. (bc we know that won't be the case) but just cause. surprisingly, i had no selfish plan behind it.

but now, that i realize what i've done- - i want something nice to happen to me!!!!

so, i'm just gonna sit here........and wait.........yup.......just wait....

...to be jolly

so i was driving yesterday and kinda slippin' & slidin'. i figured i better put my snow tires on. but then this morning i woke up and realized it hasn't snowed since yesterday morning. so in my book, it's done. and i'm kind of upset about that. why the hell do i live in cleveland??? i feel like we are being gypped.

Where is all of the damn snow?!?!?! how the eff am i supposed to break something going down a sledding hill if there is no snow?? lame-o.

i just figure- - if it's gonna be ABSOLUTELY freezing out- it might as well be snowing.

are we gonna have a white christmas?



2009 schreckmas

pretty sure we were all flying by 4pm

kim, kristi, michele, dan

dennis & jimmy

gingerbread folk

2009 raymond xmas leslie's


these next 2 MUST be mine...


he's so creative. i love him

oh xmas tree. oh xmas tree


stole this from susanne

just had to show ya how cute the svette girls are.



this is going to be so dangerous....
kim & I with 30 Seconds to Mars....

making up for lost time

oh yeah. and the worst is when you buy something and then the cashier hands you your receipt as well as a coupon for that item you just bought.

i just bought that, why are you giving me a coupon NOW?

"Michael's" does that every time i go in there. the coupon expires in 2 weeks. i go to Michael's about 2x a year. there is no way i will ever use those.

yesterday, i bought Tylenol. (big bottle) then i get a $2 coupon with my receipt. seriously, we're playing that game now?

and today...got soy sauce. as i walked out i was looking at my receipt, "oh, look! a printed coupon....FOR SOMETHING I JUST BOUGHT! oh and even better!!! it expires next month! there's no way i will need more soy sauce in a month's time."

cracks me up...

happy december birthdays!!!

happy birthday to:
jim IV


so mikey had his season opener wednesday night. he's a sophmore starting varsity. and he had the first 2 points of the night. he also DUNKED! it was the coolest thing ever. the crowd went apeshit! incredible. this is going to be a really fun season to watch! i recorded the game on my parents' video camera. i will get the clip and post it.

sir coops-a-lot

he wants to go outside so badly...

2009 cffd pot luck dinner

molly being shy

riley saying, "hand over the merchandise jolly, fat man."

molly opening silvermist

alethea opening her gift

rosetta & silvermist were the hit of the night!!!
the boylan girls & the svette girls are seriously the cutest kids in the world!!!!!

puttin' up the tree


when they were wrapped in foil ready to go, jimmy asked, "is that a thanksgiving turkey?"

spanxgiving eve 2009


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