
subbing 101

so i had to sub for a gym class this past week. i was soooo excited. yeah yeah it was in the Heights, but i figured EVERY kid loves gym class. whoa. i have never written a referral, bc i really just don't want to get involved with that. i had to write 2 that day! i had to stop a student from throwing a metal folding chair at another student. i seriously had to use force to hold him back from beating up an annoying girl. she wasn't helping by saying, "hit me. hit me..." with her beads banging as her head started to spin. ugh! so annoying. and to think, it all started with her not scooting back in line. i'm so proud of myself bc i didnt yell. i calmly asked the kid to stop and i ACTUALLY got him to relax and shoot some hoops on his own. i also had a 5th grade student (about my height) act like he was going to kick my ass bc he wasn't supposed to be in my class and i asked him to leave. he then started swearing at me as he walked out of my kindergarten gym class. that's just great. haha
then i had to sub at CFHS. COMPLETELY different story. there i just had to listen to the kids talk about their maids and making fun of their friends' nipples....

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