
Go with the Flow

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Our nighttime routine is becoming more of an actual "routine" again.  Whew!  This baby stuff is kicking my ass!  I feel like I have cabin fever.  I hope it warms up soon!!!

Even though I'm stuck in the house most days, things are starting to get crazy.  Track starts this month!  Jimmy isn't coaching baseball, so he is looking forward to spending some time with the boys by himself.  I'm going back to the paper and doing freelance photography.  I'm also going to start looking for sub jobs as well.  I have a few freelance jobs lined up already.  I'm in the process of designing flyers for a charity golf outing.  I've been the staff photographer of the event for the past 2 years.  It's through the Different Needz Foundation.  The outing is planned for this September.  I was also asked to photograph a wedding.  I really don't like to do weddings, but this is a laid back wedding (2nd marriage).  So, I feel like I can handle that. Ha.

Then for parties this Spring: we just celebrated Ryder's Baptism, next we have Caden's birthday, my half birthday (bc I didn't celebrate my 30th on my actual birthday), friends' birthday parties, Easter, I'm not going to go through my calendar right now, but there are more.  So, I will be busy NON-Stop.  Eh, it's what I do.

I pushed Caden's birthday party back.  It was going to be this month, but I want it outside.  So, I'm looking for maybe April 13.  We'll see how that pans out.

Needless to say, I have a few things going on.  I'm trying my hardest to not get overwhelmed and just go with the flow.   I will try to blog more and take more pictures, but getting a minute to myself is a little tough these days. Ha.

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