Ok, Spring. We need to have a talk. When are you going to SPRING already? I feel like the sun is NEVER going to come out for more than 4 hours ever again. I canNOT wait to get outside for some fresh air and take the boys for a walk.
They are both dealing with "colds" right now, so it's not like I can even take them somewhere just to get out. Don't get me wrong. I love the winter, snowy days. I think they are really pretty & peaceful. But there comes a time when Spring needs to get it's BIG OL' ASS moving!
I would be happy if there was rain right now instead of snow. That would mean that it was at least above FREEZING temperatures. And I will definitely take that over what we have now.
And now the baby is crying.
By the way, I started typing as soon as he fell asleep. THAT is how long of a break I've had today.
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