
Come on!!!

Ok, Spring.  We need to have a talk.  When are you going to SPRING already?  I feel like the sun is NEVER going to come out for more than 4 hours ever again.  I canNOT wait to get outside for some fresh air and take the boys for a walk.

They are both dealing with "colds" right now, so it's not like I can even take them somewhere just to get out.  Don't get me wrong.  I love the winter, snowy days.  I think they are really pretty & peaceful.  But there comes a time when Spring needs to get it's BIG OL' ASS moving!

I would be happy if there was rain right now instead of snow.  That would mean that it was at least above FREEZING temperatures.  And I will definitely take that over what we have now.

And now the baby is crying.

By the way, I started typing as soon as he fell asleep.  THAT is how long of a break I've had today.


so weird...

So this couple that we know just had a boy on March 22.  Our first born was born on the same day!  We named him Caden. (duh)  We almost named our second baby Mason.  But saw how popular it was so decided against it.  They named their baby Mason.  And their second if they have a boy is going to be Caden.  How weird that we both had the same two names picked out and had kids born on the same day (different year)!


So our days have been super busy!!!  Track started so I get to go coach again!  It's been a lot of fun.  This is a really great group of kids.  We have 105 of them on our team!  Yes 105 middle school kids and 4 of us!  Ha!

I'm still waiting on Spring to start!  Would LOVE to do some Spring Cleaning.  This weather is not helping with that.  It's so hard to wake up knowing how effing cold it's going to be that day.  That it's March 24th and there is still friggin snow on the ground and going to snow again next week.  That groundhog can seriously kiss my ass.  I think it's time for a new one!  I could start now bc there isn't anything to do outside, so at least I wouldn't be missing the nice weather while stuck inside cleaning, BUT I want to open the windows!!!!

I want to throw stuff away!  I want to wash the baseboards!  I want to give LOTS to charity!  I basically want everything out (then I can buy new stuff  Haha  JK)

I really, really want to go for a walk.  It sucks that I can't even go do that!   And everything in the house is so dusty!  Like thick layers of dust.

Maybe I should just make some margaritas, put some self tanner on, blare some tunes, turn the heat up really high and think Spring.  Keeping pants on though.  Legs are so fat.

I did see that the weather is supposed to warm up.  But still we are having a snowstorm this week.  Maybe it will be the LAST!  :)

Here's to hoping!


60th Wedding Anniversary!

We celebrated Jimmy's grandparents' 60th anniversary with an awesome brunch the other day.  I LOVE BRUNCH!!!!  I made a Cinnabon Monkey Bread.  Tasty.

We played a trivia game from the year they married and watched a cool slideshow that Uncle John put together.  It was great to see pictures of them together!  They also incorporated pictures from all of our weddings as well.  Jimmy & I look like we were in high school.  Haha.

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I love the picture of Caden looking up at them.

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He had a blast playing with his cousin, Abigail.  It was a gorgeous day out, too.  So we all got to go outside.  The first time Ryder got to hang out in the fresh air!!!!


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Yay!  Jimmy took a promotional and made it!  He is a now a Lieutenant at the CFFD.  We are proud of him!  It's kinda crazy for me to think of it.  I always pictured lieutenants as being really old.

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Apparently, the wife needs to pin on the new badge.  Hmm, looks like I need to do a better job with my hair straightener.  And work on making my butt smaller!!!!

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Chief, John, Greg, & Jimmy


Fresh Post

Ok, so Ryder woke up at 6 this morning.  I fed him and put him back to bed.  I told myself, I wouldn't be upset if he stayed awake, bc I have a lot to get done.  The little nug fell asleep. And so did I.  Damnit!

Now, it's 10:42 and I haven't accomplished ANYTHING!  The good news, is that I did most of the stuff before I went to bed.  Bc I knew I wasn't going to have time today.

Caden & Ryder are going to a birthday party tomorrow morning.  It's a princess party.  The birthday girl (3 yr old) said to her mom that she knows it's an all girls party but she needs her prince, she needs Caden to be there.  Oh....my.....gosh.  That is ADORABLE!  All of the girls are dressing up.   I have two boys.  I don't have any "dress-up" clothes for them.  Ha.  So I have to come up with something to look like two princes. (not the musical group).

I crocheted them both blue crowns.  And today, I will fashion a cape for Caden.  Littlest Man doesn't really need a cape just yet.  So I dug through my T-shirt Quilt bag and pulled out some scraps.  It won't be perfect, but it will do!  Plus, it's like he was in battle.  He's a prince that doesn't just sit on his butt all day and count his gold coins.

On another note, Track started this week. We have 103 kids on our team and 4 of us.  Whew!  And one coach wasn't able to be here all week.  Good news: this group of kids are so great so far, that it doesn't feel like we have 103 of them.  :)  The worst part of this week has just been standing out in the freezing wind!

Tomorrow night we get to celebrate one of my best friend's 30th birthday!  She lives in Chicago, I'm really excited to see her!  Caden keeps saying that he wants to give her a balloon.  Best gift.....ever. (to a 2 year old)  Eh, who am I kidding?  I love playing Don't Touch the Ground!

Jimmy was promoted to Lieutenant this week!  And we are on a house hunt.  So this spring, I need to go through stuff and get our house in selling condition.  The only thing we really need to do is fill in nail holes around some door frames.  And frame in the garage windows & door.  Other than that we are good to sell!  Anyone want to buy a newly, COMPLETELY updated house that is in a PRIME location?

We got to use the BOB Duallie for the first time on Sunday!  It was a gorgeous day!  And, yes I love that stroller just as much as the BOB that I already have.  I'm so glad that I have both of them.  I can't wait to get more use out of them.  Come on Spring....I thought you were going to get here early this year!

Ok, I'm off to make a cape for His Royal Highness!!!


a sign that you take on too much....

you make a cup of coffee...2 hours later you remember about said cup...you put it in the microwave to heat it up...tomorrow you find it in the microwave when you go to put another cup in there to heat up.


p.s. im typing this one-handed while feeding ryder a bottle.

i haven't eaten yet today....it's 2pm



Today has been really stressful!!!!!!!!  I just want it over and everything to be resolved when I wake up tomorrow.  Unfortunately, I know that's not possible


Go with the Flow

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Our nighttime routine is becoming more of an actual "routine" again.  Whew!  This baby stuff is kicking my ass!  I feel like I have cabin fever.  I hope it warms up soon!!!

Even though I'm stuck in the house most days, things are starting to get crazy.  Track starts this month!  Jimmy isn't coaching baseball, so he is looking forward to spending some time with the boys by himself.  I'm going back to the paper and doing freelance photography.  I'm also going to start looking for sub jobs as well.  I have a few freelance jobs lined up already.  I'm in the process of designing flyers for a charity golf outing.  I've been the staff photographer of the event for the past 2 years.  It's through the Different Needz Foundation.  The outing is planned for this September.  I was also asked to photograph a wedding.  I really don't like to do weddings, but this is a laid back wedding (2nd marriage).  So, I feel like I can handle that. Ha.

Then for parties this Spring: we just celebrated Ryder's Baptism, next we have Caden's birthday, my half birthday (bc I didn't celebrate my 30th on my actual birthday), friends' birthday parties, Easter, I'm not going to go through my calendar right now, but there are more.  So, I will be busy NON-Stop.  Eh, it's what I do.

I pushed Caden's birthday party back.  It was going to be this month, but I want it outside.  So, I'm looking for maybe April 13.  We'll see how that pans out.

Needless to say, I have a few things going on.  I'm trying my hardest to not get overwhelmed and just go with the flow.   I will try to blog more and take more pictures, but getting a minute to myself is a little tough these days. Ha.


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