
Where were you?

I was 18, a freshman in college. I remember a bunch of us hearing a super loud boom outside while walking to either our classes or the Union for breakfast. {to this day- I have no idea what that noise was} Then I remember all of us watching what was happening on tv in the lounge of our dorm. It was a very surreal time.

My mom told me that my cousin, a Marine was living close to everything at that time. His wife saw the 2nd plane hit pentagon on fire. scary.....


Unknown said...

Mike's wife actually saw the Pentagon on fire. She was not in NY, she was in DC

Jimmy 5 said...

Pierre David's World Marketing class, my first class of the day. They let us all go back to our dorms. Then later that day, some idiot called in a bomb threat to BW. I remember going to baseball practice that afternoon and not seeing a single plane fly over... Very unusual for a city with a major international airport


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