caden's first football game. 1 of many

my guys!

go #82

I love the old guy looking at these YAY-HOOs

What? What's that? Need a QB?
Well, don't worry, we'll keep trying to give you the ball.

Congrats on running into the endzone with your helmet on backwards!

This picture made me more famous than I already am! :)

I love this one. Looks like he doesn't have a head.

Time for a water break after doing a lot of work!

Here is #82 getting a pass from the QB, probably the only pass he'll get this year. hahaha jk. what? That's on the sidelines? Yup.

Come Here! Where ya going dweeb!?!?!

HA! I was proved wrong! Mike FINALLY got the ball in the end of the 3rd quarter! Whatever. CF sucks.

too close, couldn't get it to focus!

yeah, I know. I'm bored, too. Don't worry, I'm sure all of those promises your coach made about you getting a lot of plays will come around sometime before the season is over!

OMG! He got the ball again! Probably because the game is almost over. Can you blame them? I wouldn't throw a ball to a 6'5" wide receiver who can catch either! :)~

Oh look! guess who is wide F*cking open in the endzone! Nah let's not look at him and throw him the ball. Why let him get to have a chance, when we can try to run in the endzone.

WHAT?! He is still wide FREAKIN open? Well, I'm sure the QB will get to the endzone sometime. Let's just sit here and wait.....

oh, look here he is. Well I guess I might as well knock out this one guy so he can stumble in.


Oh look who is WIDE OPEN again!!!! And is the QB even looking? NO! Bc he only throws it to ONE person. Hey any of you opponents of CF out there. All you have to do is cover 1 guy, since the ball is only going to him. If you have been watching any of the games, you would know that.

ok....ok. Maybe that was a little harsh. MAYBE, the QB can't throw it to #82 bc he can't see him. I mean he is kinda short. No, no....that can't be it. MAYBE it's because he can't catch. No....Nope. That's not it. MAYBE it's bc the line sucks and doesn't give him enough time to look for more than 1 receiver to be open. Well, maybe that's it, but honestly, I kinda doubt it.
I don't know, Maybe they will prove me wrong. Maybe in the next 2 games Mike will get the ball more. I understand that whatever they are doing is working, bc they are winning. So, what, throwing the ball to bigger receiver would make them lose? I'm just confused. I don't know EVERYTHING there is to know about football. So I can't really say much. But when other coaches, parents, players, friends, family, etc, etc...ask me why the hell they aren't throwing the ball to Mike, it gets a little old. I DON'T KNOW WHY THEY AREN'T THROWING HIM THE BALL! STOP FRICKIN' ASKING ME! IT BOGGLES MY MIND AND PISSES ME OFF TOO! AND WHO CARES!?!?!?! HE ALREADY HAS A D1 FULL RIDE FROM COACHES WHO REALIZE THAT HE IS AN ASSET TO THE TEAM!
so, let's just drop it. and watch the rest of the season. we'll watch him block the shit out of other players. he'll become the BEST blocker.
I have to take pictures of the homecoming game this friday. So let's see how this goes.
Jimmy will be inducted to Hall of Fame that night, too. So that's cool.
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