
Jenny's Baby Shower

My cousin Jenny & her husband Ken had a baby girl, Adalina Sky.  If Ryder was going to be a girl Adalyn was a name option for us...small world.  Anyway!  Jenny is the founder of the Brooklyn Robot Foundry.  So I thought it was appropriate to make her this stuffed animal for her baby girl.  I also bought a cool robot sensory activity book.  She took the doll to work and now they want me to make them for business.  Oh crap.  Haha

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After the shower, we all went over to my aunt & uncles to hang out.

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A robin made a beautiful nest on her front porch

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My cousin Robert, his wife Beth and their daughter, Penny.  They are the couple that design toys for Fisher-Price.  Yes, my family is awesomely talented!

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Penny, Caden, Adalina, and Aunt Mari

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HA! Go figure.  Caden never smiles for pictures & Ryder looks scared shitless.

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Ryder is still like, "what the heck are you guys doing?"

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Papa hanging with baby ryder

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Don't worry, folks.  He didn't drink any.

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