
hey...i said no onions...

have it your way, my ass:
the last time i went to bk i asked for 1 whopper jr & a medium fry. they gave me 2 whoppers, and charged me for both. i didnt realize til i drove away. wtf!? who eats two hamburgers? well maybe ppl do, but i dont. so i was pissed.

well jimmy & i went to a bk the other day. i asked for a whopper jr with NO onions and then ordered jimmy's stuff (also NO onions). we got our food. i pulled thru til the end of the building. i said, "im checking my burger and if there are onions on it, im taking them off and throwing them against the f-ing window." jimmy laughed & i dont think he believed that i would do it. i proceeded to open my burger and TA-DA!!! low & behold....ONIONS! i grabbed them and THWAP! against their window. then we laughed so hard bc part of an onion got stuck in my car's interior frame and the only way i could get it out was with tweezers. well i come prepared, and have tweezers on my keychain. got it out while laughing soooooo hard.

im glad they screwed up only bc it was really funny. wish i had ordered ketchup, so i could write: i said no onions......................bitch.

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