
finished the painting!!! but i think i'm gonna have to go over the pink with white then pink again to make the pink look...well...PINK!!!! it soaked right into the black. LAME!

so i was making this really delicious recipe that i just found. while i was cooking up a storm, hot oil shot right into my eye and all over my arm. needless to say it doesn't feel too good and when i look out my right eye, everything is cloudy. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat.

i'm gonna post the P.O.T.D. with the polaroid look. one problem- - i'm gonna have to cut off some of my original shot. SO...if i feel that the picture is just too cool to crop off, i will run it as a regular shot. hopefully ya'll are enjoying these. i will try to get more creative, but that's a stretch.

ta ta

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