It's 10:26 and I haven't had breakfast yet. But the thought of standing around looking for something to eat doesn't sound appealing. I also have track practice the rain. So yay for that! Trying to figure out what to do with that foot. BC I think putting on a shoe will be painful but I also don't want to walk around with a plastic bag on my foot. Again, lame.
We are working on the powder room this week. I am directing from the couch, "yup! sounds good." I ordered the vanity and faucet last night. So there. I contributed. I also got the tile for the floor.
Can't wait to see it all finished.
Did I mention my foot hurts!?!
So I can't believe how big the boys are now! 2 & 4 but they look so big!!! Caden's first year of preschool is almost over! :(
We got a new Jeep Wrangler! Super stoked about that! Not like it matters, I can't drive for awhile anyway. :(
The weather is finally starting to feel like Spring. Some April showers this week and it's trying to warm up a little.
The backsplash is up! Looks great!!
Scott at Top Golf
That place is so awesome! Can't wait for it to come to Ohio
This is my kid
Where I spent my vacay. So relaxing
The best sandwich this year to date!
Bro, Petey
I wanted to draw one day. And so I did.
John took Oakley, bc Ryder is allergic. So glad bc I get to see him whenever I want, so it's kinda like I didn't get rid of him.
Ugh. Eff this day!
That time I changed my mom's phone to autocorrect "food" to "penis" HAHA
Cade, Ryder, Ty & Chase playing bball
That time Becca and I went to OU
When I made it down to 121 pounds!
We play a lot of Avengers.
Ryder is Fartman and Cade is Thor
Oh yeah, when some former students wanted my photo taken with them.
makes me laugh...every time
my breadcrumb to get back to Scott's place from the pool
Someone missed me.
wanna hug?
made it to the top. it was a piece of cake actually and very fun
cactus giving the middle finger
love this
I looked over and noticed that Cade was standing still and not talking. Ha dork! And Ryder was throwing a fit. He wanted a nap.
My little rockstar
pretty sunset as I got the mail.
1 comment:
Nice Update! Lookin good
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