
Oh, Good Morrow.

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Or is that marrow?   Either way, turkey legs, a game of head toss and some glass blowing.  Next time, wax hands for the boys!

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So I noticed the ax throwing right away.   Um.  I HAVE to do this before we leave.  The Ax Lady was hilarious.  Every time we walked by you just hear and see the axes & knifes just slam against the boards and not stick.   C'mon.  It can't be that hard!

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So of course we take a STAB at it.....

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Um....we were good.....really good.  HAHAHA

Maybe that is why this little biznotch was giving us dirty looks????

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HA!  I smiled the whole time.

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Jimmy was REALLY good and I wasn't bad myself!  The lady was so impressed that she wanted our picture!

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