Yeah, I haven't taken enough pictures this week with my phone to plop. So I took 5 from previous folders.
1. Do you see that GIANT bruise on the back of my leg? Yeah, I have no idea how that got there. Which actually kinda freaks me out.
2. Above that picture is an iPhone app. If you can't figure out what it is, it's a vibrator! A frickin' vibrator. Now, I am one to advocate the use of vibrators {hello- I had a pure romance party} But C'MON! If someone downloaded this for real use, that might indicate a problem. Haha. I read the reviews on it, just to see if people were thinking the same as me. And most of them were pissed bc it didn't work. Ha! Turns out-it's bc they didn't have their phone on vibrate. hehe. drrrr.
So anyway, there it is. The Friday Phone Plop.
wait, it is Friday, right?
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