
Punxsutawney Phil to the Rescue!

As I sit here eating my lunch I just threw together, which btw is DELICIOUS! {Tofu, onion, red quinoa in a sesame ginger sauce....mmm....} I checked to see what that damn groundhog had predicted. I'm sick of this weather, FOO'S!!!!

I got so excited, I told my husband & he replied: "That's the first time in like 10 years....too bad he's only right 60% of the time."

Ugh! What a downer! I know you can't base the weather predictions off of a stupid rodent. Especially when it doesn't make any sense: if he SEES his shadow=more winter; if he DOESN'T SEE his shadow= early spring. (shouldn't it be the other way around?)

BUT way to burn down a girl's dreams.

So when does this Spring stuff start happening??????

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