

he was ruining all of the fabric in the house. and he really doesn't like to sit & chill while you trim his nails. so.....we had his front paws declawed. [hey it's better than getting rid of him] he was gone for 2 whole days & daisy was super depressed. jimmy & i think she thought he was gone forever like cooper. i brought oakley back home and she sprung from her room to meet us. i think she is back to normal now. :)

as for Oakster- i could tell he was very vocal while he was gone, bc his voice is really raspy. i can also tell that he is glad to be home. the vet said, "uh oh, Trouble is going home?" haha what's with us & having pets named Trouble? haha like owner like pet. they said he is super cute & feisty. i can definitely see that.

well now i can feel relaxed letting him roam free of the house completely, but i'm also a little worried that he won't use the "litter box" bc it is filled with shredded paper. [supposed to be better on their paws for a few days] what if he is like, "what the hell is this? something for me to play in?" and then pees all over the house.

i sound pessimistic, but i'm just preparing myself for the worst. i don't like to be surprised when it comes to pee in place it shouldn't be.
he was weighed before he went in for the surgery and he is only about 4 lbs. i thought for sure he was up to 6 by now. i hope he was the runt & stays tiny, like Daisernauts.

he is off hunting for bugs in the corners of the rooms. hehe and i am off to go eat some food & get ready for riley's bday party!

[HAHA! he just tried to jump up on the chair i'm in and he hasn't quite got his jump down. well he tried clinging on but slid down. so i said, "Oak....don't give up, bud." i'm such an ass.]

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