
woo HOO

sorry, i've been really busy with work & volleyball.

i did have a party on sunday, but i didn't take many pictures.

today is my birthday, but i prolly won't take any pictures of that either. haha.

my kitty cat still seems like his front paws are bothering him, so that makes me feel bad.

my girls won their game last night, another blowout!

this friday is Homecoming & mikey is FINALLY cleared to get back into the game, so i'm really excited for that. i hope it doesn't rain, so i can bring my new camera and take some shots!!! :)


oakley tank

poor little guy!!!! his flexor tendons are inflamed. i went online to check it out. BAD mistake! just read a bunch of horror stories! so i quickly closed that page!

the vet said he just probably has a little tendonitis & gave him some pain meds. they are gonna call in about 10-14 days to see if he has gotten any better. i'm not supposed to let him jump off of anything, which is fine, because he already won't. he just sits there and whines until you take him off of something.

all of the areas are healing well & there is no infection. so hopefully this is just a little inflammation and then he is good to go! :)


My Bumpers League VB team won the championship last friday!!!!

Tonight, my 8th grade girls play Aurora. Or as I pronounce it "uh-war-wa." SPEAKING OF WHICH, one of my friends is a speech therapist and i asked her to help me figure out why i can't pronounce these words correctly:


Turns out i use my lips too much (like a "w") and i don't have the back of my tongue in the right spot. haha so she had me say "grrrrr" I was fine with that. I can say "r's" fine. it's just when they have that dang "or" sounds after. So we went thru & practiced a few things.

Sometimes i threw an "aurrrrrra" in there.

I can actually say it right!!! ok. about 1 out of the 4 times i try. but that's a start!

*i think when i sub and i have the student Rory again, I'm still just gonna call him by his last name though. haha

I have to keep practicing. this sucks.



I just checked my email & there is a SPAM email from....MY EMAIL ADDRESS. How can I possibly SPAM myself? And how can someone use my address to send that stuff out? So if any of you get an email from me about Viagra, DON'T open it. I DID NOT send that to ya!



Turns out the total was under $300 for my convertible top! WOO WOO! I asked him to figure out the deal with the back driver side window, that however, would be $400 to fix. So Jimmy said, "Nope. We'll just deal with that situation." I also need new brakes, which I thought I just got new brakes fairly recently. And my driver's side door is low & needs to be fixed $500. Um, not gonna fix that one either. haha. So weird. All of this stuff is on the driver's side. I wonder if the car was in an accident and the problems just took 6 yrs to show up. hmm. oh well.

so $300 is WAY better than $9995!!!!


uh oh

so i took Dixie in today, to see how much it would cost to fix her. they guy said he can't give me a real estimate until he goes in there to see what's wrong. but he gave me either $99.95 or $9995 or $995 as a sort of idea. holy crap! $9995!?!?! are you for real? crap! i wish i was paying closer attention. that is so riDIC!

focus. damnit!

p.s. work went well. i love these half days! good thing i have 5 lined up!

What day is it?

Wow! I am so thrown off on what day it is. It feels like a Monday. THANK god it's wednesday already! i'm not feeling that great this morning. i sat down to a BIG bowl of honey nut cheerios & took 3 bites before i realized my milk was bad! OMG! i want to vomit! i've never done that before.

and i almost bought more milk yesterday. grrrr. so now i have to go teach middle school math on an empty stomach. damnit.

Also, it's 54ยบ out and i have to drive to work with the effing top down! who is PISSED about that?!?! I am. i'm a freeze baby! and that is considered freezing winter temperature to me! gonna be a rough day. i can feel it already.

haha. nah.

i really hope it doesn't rain today


just cause...

looking thru my files. wasn't sure if i posted this yet, but i wanted to put up a picture. so here ya go! i have to sub tomo. hope it goes well.


greg & susie's wedding

on our way out there. it was too nice to drive with the top up, so i wore this scarf to keep my hair from knotting up.

i love her dress!!!

yum! JELLY BELLY jelly beans
these were some of the best cupcakes i have EVER had! all different flavors
ak & tracy
debbie & fred
frey & monica
i love these 2!!!! scott makes me laugh sooooo hard & monica is frickin' awesome!!! i think we were sisters in a former life
jimmy & i

greek fest 2010

jimmy & scott doing an annual shot of ouzo. poor scott. an ouzo virgin. didn't know what he was getting himself into. haha. my camera died right after this picture. we had a lot of fun though!


how much is that doggie in the window?

I came into the spare room one day to find the two of them chillin' in the window. They like to hang out there a lot. If you can't find one of them, chances are you will find 'em in the window!

about to pass out...

daisy is on her way out.



We had our first playoff game last night & won 2 out of 3. Everyone played really well. Then we came back to our place for wings, tosh.0, and some ping pong! at around 1 am, we were out on Bell & found a tiny pomeranian walking on the side of the road.

He was really small, had a harness on, and of course NO TAGS! [you have no idea how much that pisses me off, obviously his owners don't care about him]. His spine was protruding out [super skinny], and he was freezing. He was shaved to look like a lion. UGH! I felt so bad for the little bugger. We named him Pong. In honor of tonight's games. We stopped at a house with lights, no answer. So we went to the police station. No answer. So Robbie took him home & this morning they took him to the humane society. I hope someone picks him up and loves him & actually takes care of him. [since his previous owners OBVIOUSLY didn't give a shit about him..back to the no tags thing.]

whew! ok enough about that.

We are off to start a busy day:

- trim oakley's nails [pain in the ass]
- stain some furniture
- pick up our new couch!!!!
- figure out what to bring to barb's party
- go to barb's party :)


Our Ham



It seems like he isn't growing that fast, but I just looked at a picture from not too long ago and his face has thinned out. He is only about 4 lbs. As I was taking these pictures, I realized that he is on his way to being a "ham" in front of the camera. He poses. He'll pose for one, then roll over & pause to pose for another, then he moves into another position. It's quite funny.

Do ya hear that? It's coming....

fall boots skirts shadows
I just got these boots. I seriously got A LOT of compliments on my outfit from random ppl yesterday. :)

The leaves are kinda starting to fall.

The air is breezier & crisper.

I'm starting to get goosebumps.

Outside, you can smell fireplaces as you walk down the street.

Soups sound really good for dinners.

The football season has begun.

Fall is JUST around the corner.....

It's my favorite time of the year. I love the beauty of the red & orange leaves. I love the fashion, oh boy do I love Fall clothes. Football is my favorite sport to watch. Let's not forget to mention the wonderful holidays: Halloween, My Birthday, Jimmy's Birthday! [I have a cool Halloween costume planned this year-- hope it pans out]

There are so many pretty & peaceful things about Fall. I will tell ya one thing, I don't like being cold though. I just looked outside; it's a little windy & I got the chills. haha. and yes...they're multiplying. Also, Fall brings the start of a new school year, which brings me $$$! How could I not love that?!? I get to teach gym & health tomo!


day in the park

dog girl fetch park

My assignment was a front page shot. The editor loves anything with kids. So my go-to spot is the Riverside Park. I lucked out. There was a cute little girl playing fetch with a doggie named, Bandit. This wasn't the shot I put in the paper, but I liked it enough to blog it.

Of course, I didn't get a front page wild art shot for Solon. There is NEVER anything to take a picture of there. um, traffic? That's all I can think of when I think of Solon. They have a really nice park & NOBODY is ever there. So sad.

Oh well. Off to make some dinner.

Riley's 2nd Birthday Party

Alex looks worried in a world surrounded in pink.
andy & riley and her pretzels
i walked into riley's room to find molly telling alex to keep brushing her hair. once he stopped for a second she commanded him to get back to it. haha
riley brought out her princess pillow to show us all the different princesses [which sounded like she said "bitches" not princesses]
she sang happy birthday to herself & blew out her candle when she thought the song was over. it was super cute. she looks so proud right here. i love it.
carey & riley {the infamous shy kiddo pose.}
my cake looked sad. so i ate it.

karen & i couldn't stop laughing at how molly's crown was sitting on her head. we both agreed that she looked like a prom queen the next day.
we literally cried from laughing so hard. it was probably the fact that we were slap happy from being so tired. or maybe bc molly didn't even seem to notice that it was in her face.
who doesn't love a ViewMaster?

then we couldn't stop laughing at this shot. bc it looks like something from a scary movie. like something is sucking the fun out of her face.
or this? how does that not bother you? alex had on one sock almost the whole party. and it didn't bother him at all. haha

oh man...
karen looking good in The Crown.

woo hoo!



he was ruining all of the fabric in the house. and he really doesn't like to sit & chill while you trim his nails. so.....we had his front paws declawed. [hey it's better than getting rid of him] he was gone for 2 whole days & daisy was super depressed. jimmy & i think she thought he was gone forever like cooper. i brought oakley back home and she sprung from her room to meet us. i think she is back to normal now. :)

as for Oakster- i could tell he was very vocal while he was gone, bc his voice is really raspy. i can also tell that he is glad to be home. the vet said, "uh oh, Trouble is going home?" haha what's with us & having pets named Trouble? haha like owner like pet. they said he is super cute & feisty. i can definitely see that.

well now i can feel relaxed letting him roam free of the house completely, but i'm also a little worried that he won't use the "litter box" bc it is filled with shredded paper. [supposed to be better on their paws for a few days] what if he is like, "what the hell is this? something for me to play in?" and then pees all over the house.

i sound pessimistic, but i'm just preparing myself for the worst. i don't like to be surprised when it comes to pee in place it shouldn't be.
he was weighed before he went in for the surgery and he is only about 4 lbs. i thought for sure he was up to 6 by now. i hope he was the runt & stays tiny, like Daisernauts.

he is off hunting for bugs in the corners of the rooms. hehe and i am off to go eat some food & get ready for riley's bday party!

[HAHA! he just tried to jump up on the chair i'm in and he hasn't quite got his jump down. well he tried clinging on but slid down. so i said, "Oak....don't give up, bud." i'm such an ass.]


Hair from Channel 3 News

So, I was asked to model summer hairstyles for the Channel 3 News. We drove down to Dino's in Cleveland and they filmed us right along the shoreline near the Rock-n-Roll Hall of Fame. They had a high school student, a college student, and a working lady. HAHA I was the "working lady." So....what you're saying is, hooker. right? haha.

Anyway, the camera guy said I was a lot of fun to film bc I wasn't shy at all. Yes, I am rather goofy. He said, "Oh man, here comes Trouble." He doesn't even know me. How the heck did he realize that already? HA. I kept making him laugh, and he'd have to start over.

We all got to see the the footage & it looked pretty good. It was a gorgeous day out. But anyway, this was about 2 months ago. I totally missed it on TV, so I never got to see it completed. If anyone can find the footage online let me know. It would be funny to see.
i like the messy look & John put raffia in my hair for color & texture.

ugh. i never wear that much makeup. you can clearly see the foundation completely caked on my face. gross.


cffd summer picnic

the summer picnic was a lot of fun this year. the women's auxiliary coaxed me into face painting the littles. it actually wasn't that bad! my favorite kiddies were there and i got to paint whatever they wanted. i wish i had a picture of the Black Pearl that i painted for one little boy. it was pretty damn good. molly had on the cutest little outfit & i tried to get a picture of her smiling, but she wouldn't. i think i even begged at one point.
riley has no problem hamming it up for the camera.
there i am working hard....hardly working (sorry my hair looks like crap. i had just walked out of the shower & it was super humid & rainy out)
jimmy got her to smile! he said it took a lot of hard work though. haha she cracks me up.
there's alex. he wanted batman painted across his face.
nicole's pink turtle. or watermelon. i guess it depends on what angle you're looking at it.
brian & nicolas coming back from the "special guest" [aka ice cream truck]. he didn't even have my go-to ice cream selection that i always got from the ice cream man growing up. [the pink baseball glove with the gumball baseball] so i went with my 2nd favorite choice, which was a HIT! The giant FIRECRACKER!
"A" went with ironman
molly went with my choice. us "grown-ups" had fun with these...


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