I'm guessing her dad must have been a Pom mix of some sort. bc she is only 26 lbs. and they are tiny dogs.
Level 3: Norwegian Elkhound
Wow. i have never heard of this dog breed before & i looked at a lot of pictures of it after these results came in. omg! totally daisy. well kinda. then i just looked up elkhound, in general, for sure she looks like them. but they are like 60 lbs.

Level 3: Shetland Sheepdog
i don't think she looks like these dogs at all. but they are around 27 lbs, so...her mom must have been an elkhound/sheltie mix. maybe she has their nose......?

I'm so glad that we did this. definitely worth it! also, the certificate came with a list of info on each breed: personality traits & potential health problems. daisy totally has the personality of all of these breeds.
1) afraid of strangers but VERY enthusiastic about people she knows
2) barks at cars & chases them. she chased Jim down Bell one time.
3) loyal, herder, quick learner, good guard dog, independent, and just overall a great companion.
so since she is mostly part Pom, does that mean i can carry her in a purse and take her into stores, like people do with those little puntable dogs? i think so. :)
"uh, miss, i'm sorry you can't have a medium sized dog in here."
"oh, don't worry. she is part Pomeranian. :)"
that's gotta work!
oh btw. the only person who guessed any of the correct breeds was my mom, with Sheltie. so she will be getting a gift card to a fab place!
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