
summer mems

I just got home from the gym & I'm sitting here eating lunch and it totally felt like the summer days of when i was a kid.

We'd spend all day outside playing a sport, running through the sprinkler, acting out movie scenes, or just going to the pool. Then we'd come in for lunch and watch a movie or a tv show, while we were soaking wet & really tired. Then it's back outside again! I didn't go to the pool today and it's only like 65ยบ out, so i have no idea why I have that "been in the sun all day running around like when i was a kid" tired/feeling. but i really like it. reminds me of the great old days. to be a kid again would be grand. no worries. no responsibilities. just "have fun!" that was your only job. hehe.

i have so many things to get done and never enough time to do them in. also, the fact that my mind is moving so fast with all of the chaos. it's hard to just sit and chill.

oh, while i was driving home, i noticed that someone had deer in their yard. fake deer. i'm not trying to be a brat, just curious...why do people do that? why do they put fake giant (or little) deer in their yards? just wondering what the thought process behind that is.

p.s. my dog is sooooo frickin' cute. and don't forget: prize to be awarded to who can guess what breeds she is.

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