
one more month!

yay! i only have one more month to go, b4 i can get a new cell phone!!! i love my phone, and wish they still made them. i took such great care of it until one night....

i was sitting in the dark and it rang. i picked it up to shoot a txt msg back. then without noticing, jimmy set down a cup of beer. i...put....my...phone...in....the cup of beer! and didn't realize it! (it was dark. and i'm blonde) he picked up his beer and was like -wow this is heavy...."uh. sweetheart....you uh...put your phone in my beer"

i look over, "what? WHAT?!?! get it out! omg! my phone!!!!! i love that thing!!! holy $HIT!"

i freaked. it was dead. (sorry about your beer. dude. still good :) )

i put it in a bag of rice for a week and it WORKS! with some minor setbacks:

1) when opened to QWERTY keyboard- the "w, q, z, 1, 2, 3." do not work!
2) the front touch screen has really cool star-like dots. looks like shooting stars or glitter. i really like that feature.

that's pretty much it. but you don't realize how much you use those certain letters & numbers when you can't. i'm sick of txting "vv" for my "w." i've noticed that i have transferred that to my typing as well. and having to type out: "tvventy" or "tvvo" when all i want is to put 20 or 2. see ya at 6thirty. or that. ugh!

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