

wow!   well first of all, i'd just like to say, that mike and i had a great time wed!  duh.  my head hurts from laughing so hard.

secondly, i am NOT one to spend a lot of money.  well,  i put $717 on my credit card at the outlets!!!!!!!  omfg!   there goes my whole paycheck!  i did however buy 2 xmas gifts and 1 easter gift.  as well as stuff for jimmy.   so it's not like i spent it ALL on me.    :/   that makes it better. justified.  i still can't believe it.  i will not spend money for a long time.  (i hope.)

i'm freakin' out....kinda.   i DID get a lot of great things!!!   :)

p.s. i just saw a piece of paper that i had sitting on my desk it says, "That reminds me. There was a midget at the zoo."    HAHAHAHAHA  i wish i knew why i wrote that.  like what did it have to do with?

saw this on the way to ikea. always makes me laugh. bc i'm really mature.
oh gawd.  just think, i would have spent that much money for my myrtle beach trip.  this way, i spent that money on stuff i can enjoy for a long time, not just one week.  :)   justified.  for sure.


myrtle myrtle

well i'm glad i decided not to go to myrtle beach, bc of the weather.  it really isn't warm enough to sit on the beach.  it is however, warmer there than here.  but at least here, i got to go to a waterpark.  haha.

time to go get a "tan"

the boylan princesses

their royal highnesses:

molly kathryn & riley emma

photo taken by cb
photo stolen by me


well i'm so glad i ended up not giving a $h!t how i looked in a bikini, bc mike and i had a blasty blast at Kalahari!

There was one ride that i was soooo afraid to go on.  the  Tanzanian Twister.  you go down this skinny body slide that shoots you out to a "toilet bowl" like a giant turd. and you swirl around it until you fall thru this hole into a 6'5" mini pool. the shooting and swirling look awesome, but falling into that deep of water with heavy water pouring down on you so it's hard to get up out of the water!!!  AYFKM!?  well we had to try it. duh.

it was really funny to stand at the top and see the ppl go down.  almost everyone landed differently.  the first time mike went down he landed on his head and said that it hurt.  the second time, he was about to land on his head but he scooted his way out.

i did the same landing both times.  went around the bowl fast, then started slowing as i got to the opening and BAMM!  shoulders first.  after you land in the pool, you also have no clue which way your facing!  i had my eyes open the whole time i was swirling and still always ended up facing the wrong way.  AHHH so scary!  you have to try!  love it!

then there was a ride called the Zip Coaster.  looks like a lot of fun...it jerked you around so hard, my back was in so much pain after 5 seconds on it.

there were so many funny things that happened!  my abs got a great work out from laughing so hard, and my legs from climbing the steps.  good times.  good times.  and the drive was super quick.  UNLIKE the next trip to Jeffersonville Outlets.  it's like 3 hours.  ugh....

oh yeah.  while we were driving thru the parking lot someone almost drove right into my car.  they didn't even stop to see if a car was coming!!!!  turns out it was one of the asshole FRESHMEN that i teach!  pretty sure 14 is not the legal driving age in ohio.  i would have beat the shit out of him if he hit my car.  but how ironic would it be that we drove all the way out there and got into a fender bender with someone from our town.  hahaha.   fucker.


next trip

trip #2.   alrighty, the next trip is a day at Kalahari.  Should be a good time.  I'm just really not looking forward to getting into a bathing suit.  but i'm not going to know anyone there, so i will get over it.  right?  probably wrong-o.

it will be a lot of fun though.  :)


i sent out a pic to a few people of my "haircut"  and only 1 or 2 said cut it.  and last night i showed the peeps i was with and they all freaked and said don't.  one guy said he doesn't "understand why girls cut their hair short, don't they realize how sexy long hair is?"  hmm.  no, i guess we don't.  haha.

so i wore my hair like that to work on friday.  (basically, the front is shorter, and when ya pull the rest back and let the front hang down, it looks like i have the haircut that i want)   and when i walked in, two girls said, "OMG i love your haircut!"  then they saw that i just pulled it back. haha fooled you!  and one of my friends saw it and said, "i can't believe you cut your hair."  she was disappointed.  haha.  then i showed her and she was like whew! don't.


ok, so i guess i won't, and when i'm feeling like having short hair, i will just do that trick.  OR! i could just cut it and save the cut pieces and tape them in when i want long hair.  ew.

also, yesterday, i almost bought a puppy!!!   soooo cute.  would grow to be about the same size as daisy. but, i really can't deal having two dogs.  i wish i could though!!!!!!!!  he wanted out of there so badly!  i just read that Shiba Inus should be on a leash at all times and have no regard for motor vehicle traffic.  so maybe not the best dog for where i live.  BUT SOOOOOOO ADORABLE!!!!

popcorn museum

so there is a popcorn museum in ohio.  and i do love popcorn, so i thought i'd check it out.

the Wyandot Popcorn Museum.

group rates are $3/person.  what exactly do they consider as a group?  haha 4 or more?  anyway. their website has videos.  jimmy & i checked out the Child Orientated one (bc we are kids at heart.)

*popcorn (might be free to taste)
*Humor (mild)
*learn stuff
*popcorn fight

*stilted people
*circus music
*mascots (giant ear of corn)
*not up-to-date
*they don't approve of the "brain" shaped popcorn, which incidentally is my favorite
*boring tour guide (reminds me of Georgia-yikes)
*free popcorn is off of the floor

needless to say, i will not be visiting the Popcorn Museum.


buckle up day 1

ok. here we go:

alrighty, we are off to IKEA!

i am probably going to be broke when i get home. so this may be the only road trip.  HAHA.



well i was kinda hoping that i could look up places to go for spring break while i was working, but apparently the students really like me, and kept me involved the whole day.  which was AWESOME!  it's truly amazing how different work is when you're not with the freshmen boys.  no joke. all week i've dealt with juniors, seniors, and 8th grade students and they are all respectful to me (well except one senior- but he is a lost cause. it's really sad).  today the kids made: tea cakes (like a really BLAH cookie) so we spiced them up a bit to make them edible, puppy chow, and waffles.  wow! that's a healthy day. :x   tomo is the last day b4 break, since we have shortened periods,  the teacher wants me to have them make popcorn on the stove.  uh...OKAY!  i LOVE popcorn.

speaking of popcorn!  boy do i have a treat for you!  i don't have my info with me at the moment so i will post later.  idk if it's bc i'm so tired, but jimmy and i were laughing so hard at this.

well i'm off to get my hair trimmed.  i took a pic with my phone this morning b4 work. it hasn't been this long since i was in 6th grade (about 15 years ago!!!)!

so yeah, i really want to cut it kinda like this, but i don't have the balls.

i really, really, think i want to though.  



spring break 2010

 wow. i'm 27 years old and still using the term Spring Break.  i sub, so it's acceptable.  hehe  anyway, i was planning on a spur of the moment road trip to myrtle beach.  but i checked out the weather, and it isn't going to be that awesome.  i won't even be able to sit on the beach.  so for me, there is no point in going there.  haha.  last time i went there it rained the ENTIRE time.  (NO JOKE)

so, my bro and i are now on a different mission:

road-trip-a-day.   or at least as much as we can get in a week.

i was looking up ideas in ohio and i found that there is a museum that is entirely dedicated to popcorn!!!  OMG WE LOVVVVVVVVVVE POPCORN!

here are my ideas so far:

a REALLY great outlet mall

IKEA (prolly go to Pitt, PA one)

columbus (there has to be something cool there.  jimmy says there's a great burger place that he saw on the Food Network.  or the German Restaurant.  hahaha)  i guess we will have to eat.

so basically, i'm asking for some ideas.  where should we go?  what should we see?


ohhhhh yeah!

so. i went to the gym today and my legs finally have definition again!!!!!  :)   now i just have to figure out how to make the top layer look better.  the texture is nasty!  the cellulite is riDICK!  so.......that's my goal!  maybe i should get a personal trainer....*wink*wink*


so i'm thinking of going somewhere for spring break.  but i have 5 days to figure it out.  first plan was to go to myrtle beach, but the weather doesn't look that great.  what's the point in going, if i can't lay out on the beach?  so my second suggestion is chicago.  bc i could just spend ca$h and $hop.   hmmm.   so i need a road trip idea.

got any?


pets' eyes

[eye] think eyes are interesting

i just remembered they're my favorite thing to draw.

[eye] need better photo subjects

my right eye looks like a dang tie-dye shirt


i had a pretty good workout today.  my arms are so weak, i can't even lift them.  let's see if they hurt tomo!!!   also, i have spent $300 so far, and my legs don't look any different.  i don't understand.  guess i'm going to have to do the unthinkable......go on a diet.

eff that!  this is FUCKING ridiculous!   i will just try to workout harder!!!

i think as soon as it gets nicer out, i will be able to walk more.  hoping that will help.

getting old is lame.


my bracket did very well today.  whew!  i needed a day like that after the other day.  that's what i get for thinking about it too hard.  i always do really well, but this time, i actually looked up all of their mascots.  HAHAHA.  yes. for some of the teams, i base their future results on the mascot that represents their team.  it has worked for me in the past.  HA!



subbing for seniors & juniors is soooo much more fun!

1º i had 7th grade spanish (went well.)
 then i got to go for a walk with jimmy & daisy into town.

5º library duty.  (hahaha duty.  hey lois, diarrhea)

6º honors english 12 (boring)

8º honors eng 12.   this class was so awesome.  we just chilled and talked the whole time.

and i only had 4 classes all day!  what a great friday!

thanks karen!!!!

and the sun is bitchin' so i'm chillaxin' in the backyard until i go for a walk and then to the student/faculty game.  jimmy & mikey are both playing in it.

dang it's soooooo nice out!


happy st patty's after all

thank you to jimmy with his "trust falls" and robbie, craig, and the guys at the bar for making my day end so much better!!!!!!!!



omg.  i am taking off from subbing for the REST of the year....and maybe for the next 4 years.

i'd almost rather take the elementary students in CHUH over these.

that is so sad.


email joke.

My flight was being served by an obviously gay flight attendant, who seemed
to put everyone in a good mood as he served us food and drinks.

As the plane prepared to descend, he came swishing down the aisle and told
us that 'Captain Marvey has asked me to announce that he'll be landing the
big scary plane shortly, so lovely people, if you could just put your trays
up, that would be super.'

On his trip back up the aisle, he noticed this well-dressed and rather
Arabic looking woman hadn't moved a muscle.

'Perhaps you didn't hear me over those big brute engines but I asked you to
raise your trazy-poo, so the main man can pitty-pat us on the  ground.'

She calmly turned her head and said, 'In my country, I am called a Princess
and I take orders from no one.'

To which the flight attendant replied, without missing a beat,

'Well, sweet-cheeks, in my country I'm called a Queen, so I outrank you.
Tray-up, Bitch.'


doesn't this doggy look like Daisy's twin?
i can't get over it.
i wonder what kind of dog she is.


i totally forgot to congratulate the Russell's on their new family addition. (at least on my blog).

Grayson Kenneth Russell

10 lbs 2 oz, 22 in. long

and i said, "oh WoWWWW!"

so, the biggest piece  student who gave me problems isn't here today, bc mommy & daddy feel as though he needs 2 weeks for spring break vacation.  do you know how AWESOME that is???  yay!  and the funny thing is: OGT testing ran SMOOTHLY.  i mean 4 of the boys weren't perfect, but definitely NO shadiness going on!  i just think it's funny how one lame ass student can ruin a whole entire class.

and yesterday, my day wasn't too bad.  REALLY REALLY long, but not too bad.

still lost....

ugh! only 8 more episodes!! and they haven't answered any of my frickin questions. i was kinda hoping for something amazing. bc honestly, i have really enjoyed this show up until last year's season. it seemed like a waste. as though they just wrote about random crap that absolutely does NOT pertain to the plot. kinda boring. but all of the seasons before were awesome. so i was sure they would have these last few episodes to be outstanding. oops. i guess i gave the Lost writers too much credit. my bad.

i will be:

10% sad to see it end.

80% pissed if they don't answer everything!

and the other 10% doesn't really give a shit.


Bailey Bond!

nicole & jeremy's new family addition!
isn't she adorable?!

on her first walk!
she loved it.
also i would like to note that i finally met a dog who poops like Daisy.
doesn't stay in one place!!! daisy drops one then turns, drop & turn.
bailey walks all around. these pups are hilarious!



one of the best things to come from canada!!!

told ya...

just as i promised. it's been 5 minutes into the OGT testing and i already want to bust a face. why are some students so disrespectful? and the thing that sucks most is that they can get away with it. nobody is going to punish them. i wish you could still beat the kids up at school. and not for stupid little things. just the really disrespectful ones. i hope that when i have kids one day that they will not be the little piece of shit ones.

the thing that sucks is that: i HAD only been there for 5 minutes. i hope this doesn't foretell how my day is going to be....



so i figured out how to change the font on my blog to something a little more interesting. presto-change-o. then i went to my desktop to check it out. NOPE. my desktop doesn't have the same fonts as my Mac Notebook, so they didn't show-up the same. DAMNIT!

so since i figured most ppl have PC's i changed it thru my desktop. but i really wish i could use the text i wanted to in the first place. so now i can't see the fun text on my Notebook :/ oh well.

i subbed today at the HS and MS. everything from 7th grade Spanish to Foods to Geometry to Sewing. Yup. i was all over. tomo and thurs i get to teach health and gym. i have OGT testing in the morning, so i will be EXTREMELY bored, which means i will be rambling on my blog [just like now].

i got to sub for my little bro's math class today. there was nothing left for me. not even a roster. so we all just chilled and talked. i did see that they had hw on the board, so i had them do that really quickly. it was fun.

the subjects we talked about were SOOOOO random.

one girl walked out, and said, "well at least i learned something today."

and i replied, "yeah about leprosy." we all just laughed. bc seriously, that is how random our conversations were.



well. i'm really glad i got to enjoy 1.5 of the 3 really nice days that we had. it's back to 45 degree weather and no sun. at least all of the snow is melted away. :)

p.s. why do the JW's insist on pestering me?


'twas a sunny day out in town

yay! it's melting away!


waiting for all of the snow to melt away...



HAHA. mike and i were riding around in the car today with the top down and happened to see this snowman. i don't know why, but i laughed soooo hard! it just looks funny. maybe you have to see my impression. either way. it was great.
and is he mexican?
taken the other day when the sun finally came out!!!!

chillin' in the snow.

uh...yeah. i wasn't about to go out there.

what a great doggie!!!
she's guarding the house

amanda's baby shower


apparently, i have a thing for brazil. i think i lived there in another life. it seems like everything i like is from brazil. i'll find something new that i like, and boom-Brazilian.

for example

açaí berry (ah-sighee) it's the main ingredient in one of my favorite juices from Bom Dia! which means Good Morning in Portuguese. (the main language of Brazil)

caipirinha- (ki-pe-reen-ya) mmm a delicious cocktail.
lemon, lime, sugar and Cachaça

and we can't forget my favorite victoria secret supermodel!!

alessandra ambrosio!

and we really can't forget the brazilian wax.
i don't know anything else about brazil, but i'm pretty sure that's where i should live.


talk about being paranoid or psycho. lindsay lohan is suing e*trade for their commercial. check it out here.

honestly, i highly doubt they were referring to her.


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