
kristi "from the block"

another day, another facet joint block.

what am i...80 yrs old? this is ~bonkers~??? (i am trying to give up swearing for Lent.)

it worked for about 3 days last time. let's see how it pans out this go 'round. first of all, i left with my left leg numb as [insert curse]. it was really funny trying to walk. my leg was wacked up!

*jimmy had to work and we didn't have time to have him pick me up then take me out there, so i drove my car to his work-we took it to surgery center-and then picked up his car & i drove mine back home after procedure. my friend, rob offered to drive, but it was really early in the morning(so i felt bad)

after the procedure, jimmy, my responsible driver, decided to take me to breakfast on the way home so that i could "sober" up enough to drive my car home. well let's just say i barely made it through the door without collapsing. it was so random- - they had a lonely chair sitting there. i basically fell onto it. i held onto him the whole way thru the restaurant, bc seriously...my leg...it did not want to work right.

as we walked out he said, "these people are probably wondering why i'm taking my drunk gf to breakfast." haha. probably.....probably.

i took a 2 hour nap at home then when i tried to get out of bed my left leg still didn't work. it was the craziest thing. so i flopped out to the living room. "is this going to be forever?......"

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