
snow, snow, go away come again in 2011

ok. ok. that isn't how it goes, but COME ON! this is ridiculous!!!! my body can't take it anymore


2010 winter party

we had to keep going to the bathroom bc we were laughing so hard we were crying!!!

"i need a giant clock in my living room." the funny thing is...we were all totally sober!
ok...maybe just jimmy, he gave up drinking for lent!
and nicole she had to work the next day.

korri in the land of the amazons

see if you take it this high, we look better

carey, korri, jen, kristi

let's play pool

it was NOT easy to shoot pool in that dress

cb & i being very precise with our shot.
sexy shot

nicole just made some good shots, "and i didn't even break a nail..."

trying to psych out our competition.
jen & nicole kicked our butts...i think

the end of the night....

the girls are checking their boobs & it looks like i just farted
christopher, what do you think of my tickling your pickle

nuff said.

shhh. carey is sleepy...

winter party 2010

Create your own video slideshow at animoto.com.

Create your own video slideshow at animoto.com.



i just posted the tosh.o mario bros video. and i was thinking......

uh oh...

they ask you to send your fav videos. how about the video of my mom bowling? that is sooooo great! what do ya think?

totally worth it...

watch the whole thing! this is great. laughed so hard i think i peed....just a little.

Live Mario Brothers
Web Redemption2 Girls, 1 Cup ReactionDemi Moore Picture

kristi "from the block"

another day, another facet joint block.

what am i...80 yrs old? this is ~bonkers~??? (i am trying to give up swearing for Lent.)

it worked for about 3 days last time. let's see how it pans out this go 'round. first of all, i left with my left leg numb as [insert curse]. it was really funny trying to walk. my leg was wacked up!

*jimmy had to work and we didn't have time to have him pick me up then take me out there, so i drove my car to his work-we took it to surgery center-and then picked up his car & i drove mine back home after procedure. my friend, rob offered to drive, but it was really early in the morning(so i felt bad)

after the procedure, jimmy, my responsible driver, decided to take me to breakfast on the way home so that i could "sober" up enough to drive my car home. well let's just say i barely made it through the door without collapsing. it was so random- - they had a lonely chair sitting there. i basically fell onto it. i held onto him the whole way thru the restaurant, bc seriously...my leg...it did not want to work right.

as we walked out he said, "these people are probably wondering why i'm taking my drunk gf to breakfast." haha. probably.....probably.

i took a 2 hour nap at home then when i tried to get out of bed my left leg still didn't work. it was the craziest thing. so i flopped out to the living room. "is this going to be forever?......"




came home from work.

sat at computer checking email.

my seat is my exercise ball.

cat jumps up on my lap, but slips.

claw punctures ball.

i fell straight on my lower back.

i re-sprained my wrist.



jimmy came rushing in to see if i was okay.

i laid there laughing.


that was a little funny. so i was a little...uh. down?...so i uh. "picked myself up?" and the pain management nurse (who apparently can't read & is a total LOSER) called me (or some girl named kristen???) & wanted to know how i was doing and if i needed another procedure done.

WELL, i was talking so slow and thinking sooooo slow that i couldn't get thru it. i was looking at my pain log and i just kept laughing silently and trying to figure out what to say. and welp...

i have to go back next week to get it done again!

hahahahahaha. life's silly sometimes.


prepare to laugh your ass off


well that was kinda random...

went to the mall with my mom & mikey and all of a sudden we hear a big voice and see a crowd. it was michael strahan.
well that was kinda random...


Reese's heart? or Reese's nut sac?
you be the judge peanut butter

before & afters

before my facet joint block
happy and nervous

i did my quick little "david after dentist"
but i couldn't jump out of my seat.


ok so, it's been 6 days since my back procedure. it doesn't hurt the same as it did before. i mean. i can arch it, but when i arch and then breathe out it hurts. it's like when i stick my butt out, then relax it hurts. almost like it's being compressed (i guess). but i can circle my hips with no pain!!!! :) and it's still just in the middle.

the day after i got it done, i watched my brother's basketball game. my back is usually KILLING me from sitting in the bleachers, but it didn't that time. :)

hasn't hurt on the left side, really. just center & right. so i have to call them tomo & tell them all of this, then hopefully they will figure something out from there.

i have volleyball tonight, so we'll see how it feels with that. last week (the night b4 the procedure) it was painful.

i'm too young for this shit.


i don't know why he wants to go out in the snow so badly. it's freezing out there.

place kicker challenge

dr. scott

mr. dust

das boot

jimmy's victory hump

ms. smiles

miss power

scott's victory dump

mr. goal!!!!!


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